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Hey, apparently it is all wrong! Who'd have thought?

US Supreme Court Quashes "Illegal" Guantanamo Trials

The United States Supreme Court ruled Thursday that military trials arranged by the Bush administration for detainees at Guantanamo Bay are illegal and wrongly constituted under military and civilian law.

The court said the trials — known as military commissions — do not conform to any act of Congress. Justices also rejected the government's argument that the Geneva Conventions do not apply to prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.

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i'm sure some kind of state of national emergency will be called, in which all rulings made by the Supreme Court would become null and void, and the bumpkins elected to maintain Gitmo will continue to violate every human right and freedom that we've fought the last 50-100 years or so for, all of course, under the guise of 'homeland security' and 'what is right' and 'what is wrong', and 'bringing justice to all', as is the 'American Way'. and then half of the westernized world will wholeheartedly believe this to be true, and stand by their man, Mr. GW Bush as if he knew what noone else would ever want to know. And they'd go to bed every night, thanking their gods that there is someone out there who is such a righteous and wholesome man, who is able to best protect their interests and their son's interests and their grandson's interests and their great grandson's interests. who helps them maintain their american way of life and who genuinely cares about stocking a walmart shelf.

as is America, forever and always. Long live Gitmo. God Bless!

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...every human right and freedom that we've fought the last 50-100 years or so for...

I was pleased to see that the Senate shot down (barely - by one vote!) the proposed constitutional amendment to make flag-burning a crime. Bill Frist had argued that Americans had fought and died for that flag. The best rebuttal came from a Hawaiian senator who had lost a couple of limbs in WWII (or maybe it was Korea, I can't remember) who said that although he personally is offended by flag-burning, what he *really* fought for was the right for people to burn flags as a form of social protest and freedom of expression.

Kudos to you, sir!

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