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recommendation: The Codetalkers (help plz)


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So i heard some codetalkers last week @ Cully's place and was fairly impressed (i know I know...why is it I'm just getting into it now?? I'm lazy that's all you need to know) and was wondering if you kind folk can offer up some advice in the way of what shows/albums I should be getting...

thanks in advance...


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The Hamilton show is absolutely amazing. I love Codetalkers shows with Jimmy Herring.

Check out the first track (Ike Stubblefield), Jimmy tears it up!!!

The sound is a little weak at times..but it is worth checking it out for Jimmy!!

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This one is a amazing. Listen to the Yield Not to Temptation (it is one of my all time favs.)

The Codetalkers Live at Sunshine Daydream's - Jerry's Birthday Bash 2005 on 2005-08-06

Outer Space

Yeild Not To Temptation

Plate Is Hot

I'm So Glad

Ike Stubblefield

Isles of Langerhan

Body in the Lake


When the World Comes Tumbling Down

This show has amazing sound and the band is on fire...Check it out!!!


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Here's also some Codetalkers news, and a chance to hear them TOMORROW on National Public Radio...




Bobby Lee on NPR's Morning Edition!

It was supposed to air later next week, but NPR producers moved the airing of the segment on Bobby Lee Rodgers and The Codetalkers new CD 'now' up to MONDAY MORNING! Very few artists are chosen to be featured on this top-rated NPR show. Host and Commentator Ashley Kahn was sent a CD and loved it, so checked out the trio when they last played in NYC. Ashley loved what he saw and heard. The biggest compliment was that wrapped up the hour-long interview with Bobby by calling him his "hero." As it turns out, Ashley had written well-received books on both John Coltrane and Miles Davis, whom Bobby disclosed were two huge influences on his musical sensibilites.

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The ten-minute segment will begin about 6:40-6:45a.m.. You will be able to listen to the segment if you miss it by just going to NPR.org and opening the Morning Edition page. You will also be able to hear snippets from the new album and to follow links to purchase a copy for you (or a friend!) if you haven't already.

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