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FieldNotes: DD's Fishy Fest


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Do you smell something fishy???

Seemed to be the question on everyone's mind last night in Port Dover. Diesel Dog played to a packed house last night at Angelo's Tavern. I decided to go down a little early to take in the festivities at the Red Fox's house. When I got there about 30 people had taken over his backyard, which seemed to be a promising sign. After a very quick hello, I made my way down to the bar to set up. During set-up, an old friend came by (one "Donnie" Simpson) who told us about the new restaurant/cafe (called The Chowder House) he bought down the street. He invited us down for a bowl of chowder and a beer, so after set-up I went down. Cozy little place where you can get a big bowl of chowder (homemade every day $3.00) and an icy cold beer for $3. Six dollars well spent and great to see he is making a go of it. Good luck, Donnie.

We started at about 10:30 as the crowd started to grow. Lots of old friends (and new) to be found and everyone was ready to party. It must be the air down by the lake because the stage sound was good and the band was sounding great and we tore through two and a half hours of music in what seemed to me like five minutes. Here's the setlist:


Will It Go Round In Circles

Walkin Blues


Second That Emotion

Ain't Got None


2003 Minus 25

Life In A Balloon

I'll Get To You

Jungle Boogie

Dirt Road


Fishin' With The Skipper

The Man In Me

I'm A Man

The Isrealites

Helen Haddes


Second Thoughts

Come To Far

New Speedway Boogie


Stop That Train


E. Shakedown Street

A few notables were the four newer tunes we busted out. 2 originals: Helen Haddes and Come To Far (love that ska feel), and 2 new covers: 2003 Minus 25 (Kris Kristofferson) and The Man In Me (Bob Dylan). The night ended with a 16 minute Shakedown Street that seemed to satisfy the increasingly unruly crowd. To the catcalls of "faulkers!!" and "you cheap bastards, how about one more THICK one!!", Diesel Dog left the stage.

I brought ONE beer with me so I thought that after teardown I would go back to Red Fox's to enjoy it and meet some new folks. The party was in full swing in RF's backyard and everyone was being respectful of the noise level (except MoMack, who kept on pointing at the ground saying "You dropped your smile" then laughing like a maniac). Got talking to RF's mom, Kerry, for a long time (we woke her up but she didn't mind). Your so cool Kerry, you'd think it would rub off on your son. Speaking of whom, where was the Red Fox? He was nowhere to be found. A little beach action I presume. Or on the pier?? Probably passed out while searching his drawers for his sissypants. Anyways on my way out I said goodbye to all and met up with stoned free and New Rider. Hey guys nice to meet ya and thanks for coming out (as well as all you other sckanks!). When I said I was going to make the field notes for the show and post them, they pleaded to have their story told. "Tell 'em about the debauchery, Floyd!!"

I could but it would just hurt everyone’s eyes

Seth/Hux: Got most of the crowd to “cheers” you guys up in Ottawa at midnight. I think most of them didn’t understand what they were doing it for, but most seemed happy for yet another reason to hoist their glasses. Hope everything went well in Ottawa.

Talked about but did not see: Although I did notice a few “fish slap” dancers, there was an absence of cardboard box boats. Maybe next time…

Promo stuff: The studio CD is nearing completion. We are now waiting for the mastering to be done as well as getting the artwork and layout together. Stay tuned.

Upcoming: DD will be playing a set for Bob’s Shakedown Bash in Port Burwell on Sat. Aug 9. Come on out and do a little country camping. As well, we will be playing the Galactic/BB King afterparty at the Rancho Relaxo in T.O. on Tuesday Aug 19. Uncle Seth will be opening. C’mon out after the show to relax-o. Check our website (www.dieseldog.ca) for more info.

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Originally posted by Floyd:

...I would go back to Red Fox's to enjoy it and meet some new folks. The party was in full swing in RF's backyard... Got talking to RF's mom, Kerry, for a long time (we woke her up but she didn't mind). Your so cool Kerry, you'd think it would rub off on your son. Speaking of whom, where was the Red Fox? He was nowhere to be found. A little beach action I presume. Or on the pier?? Probably passed out while searching his drawers for his sissypants.

...that would be tent action, Floyd...and thanks for not searching too hard 'cause that would just be CREEPY. [Wink]

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Tents, eh... the thought briefly crossed my mind but the RF is more the kind of guy you'd find in the front seat of his truck (taken by Fernando) or on the hammock. A real outdoorsman. By the way RF if you are reading this, big thanks for giving all the riff/raff a place to chill for the evening! Much appreiciated.

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you guys sounded awesome on saturday night, what a day it was too....I love Dover, I saw so many people i havnt seen in years...

.....i love your post, its hilarious "you dropped your smile" lol. I've heard him use that one too.

I got a couple pictures, I'll send them to you when i get them developed.


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Ya Floyd you know you are welcome at are house any time,even though you picture isn't on are fridge anymore!!!![smile] Thanks all of you for stopping by ,it was a lot of fun!!!!To bad no one stayed around for the reggae band on sunday at the beach stage.Myself and the girls went down to check out the end of fishfest.Just wondering if anyone picked up a backpack by mistake,because my girlfriends pack went missing saturday night from beside my tent with some importent stuff inside.If anyone has seen it please reply.

Thank you and see you all soon!! [smile]


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Which tent was your's fox. Glad Mo didn't catch on or it would have been "tipsy tent poles" for sure.

Hux: comparing weekend escapades, YOU are the one that's awesome. The wave of "trashy novelette writer" is cresting soon. Let's be "on top" of it.

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Unfair abuse. I knew where the Red Fox was. I only know one person that would take a tent down when there was a high liklihood of paddling going in... .shall I set the stage for you Floyd? Say around 1996, the innaugral visit to Frontier Town for our crew. Pretty much all bikers and us. Jacob's Ladder on stage. I was hooking up with this hot chick, the night was over and we were in the tent and then boom out of no where the percussionist starts taking my tent down.

Watch your back Floyd, I hold a grudge!

ps. I especially hold a grudge about Chi-town.

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