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WARNING GEEK ALERT: Has anyone read any of the Wheel of Time Books?


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I've read them all many, many times (the first three probably 30 or so times up to the last one which I've only read once) and it's my favorite series in the world.

Yup, there's a book 11 alright, came out last year. There's also only one more book to go and that should be out by next year.

The reason I like the series is that it's nice and long. I like regular books but when I'm reading a story, I like it to be with me for more than a couple days.

I am technically a computer geek, though.

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i agree...it's nice to have a long story, you get to know the characters so much better.

it's just a bit weird with the timing of the books...

ie. how the first book spans a few years but as the books progress things get more intense and by book 8 or so the book only spans a few days. i like that in a way, but miss the journeys/epicness that Traveling has taken from the story, and get a little bored spending every minute of a day with rand, for example.

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