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PHISH spring '94 downloads


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Concert Hall

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Set I: Llama, Guelah Papyrus, Poor Heart, Stash, The Lizards, Sample in a Jar, Scent of a Mule, Fee -> Run Like an Antelope

Set II: The Curtain > Down with Disease, Wolfman's Brother, Sparkle, Mike's Song -> Lifeboy -> Weekapaug Groove, The Squirming Coil, Cavern

Encore: Ginseng Sullivan, Nellie Kane, Sweet Adeline

Show Notes: Amazing Grace was performed without microphones. As a side note, the venue was changed at the last minute due to arena damage from the previous evening's New Kids on the Block concert.

My second Phish show. It'll be eery to hear it, never have.

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As a side note, the venue was changed at the last minute due to arena damage from the previous evening's New Kids on the Block concert.

What was the original venue? Was it in ‘93 when they played the concert hall twice? The second time after originally being scheduled for Harbourfront but moved because they couldn’t set up their lights there.

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I just answered my own question re the ‘93 shows. I guess I didn’t go to the ‘94 shows cause Phish just didn’t excite me enough back then. (I saw the April ‘93 Toronto show). Then after many raves from friends when to Kent State and Erie in fall ‘94 - and those shows did it for me.

But what was the original venue for the ‘94 show supposed to be?

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I thought it was supposed to be at the Masonic Temple, but could be mistaken. Good to see those circulating. I had a hell of a time tracking down canadian shows many years ago, and made a bit of a project out of it. I think I've got them all except one set from Toronto and the first Canadian Phish show from 7-1-89 (canada day!) in Montreal for the jazz fest. That one doesn't circulate, though copies do exist in the archive.

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There isn't even a set list for 1989-07-01 in


(In fact, it doesn't list any shows between 1989-06-30 and 1989-08-12.)



I know. However, I got the setlist some years ago from Kevin Shapiro. I posted it on Alan Dodson's old Canadian Tape Traders' Board, but unfortunately have lost track of it. I think it was at Foufounes Electrique and if memory serves they played "The Immigrant Song" along with a bunch of the old classics. Maybe AD still has the record?

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I also think that it was always supposed to be at the Concert Hall although I do recall the Harbourfront show being moved the previous year.

Don't fucking remind me about that '92 Phish show at the Spectrum. My university roommate (from Conneticut) had his dad take him to the show with friends and they were blown away that it was like 300 people. I've always heard that was an unbelievable show. It stands to this day as the dumbest thing I missed out on because all we knew was 'Bertuzzi loves them' and I was like whatever Bertuzzi. Also it was a weeknight I didn't know if it was all ages and I don't even think I had the cash. I suspect even if I wanted to go the moms would have nixed it. And I had swim practice in the morning.

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The 92 Spectrum show was a blast. I remember meeting folks from Rochester at the bar. Great show too. Really sucked me in to the band after a couple of years of some friends trying to help me "get it". The show wasn't all ages, as I remember some helpless folks stuck outside with tix, not being allowed in.

I'm pissed for missing the '91 Buffalo show that they tried to drag me to that was at a roller rink. Trey did a solo skating around the room!!!!

Later . . .

Kanada Kev =8)

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On September 28th, Phish (or at least Trey) literally "rolled" into The Rink in Buffalo, New York where they awarded the "Longest Distance Traveled Award" to friend Henry Petras before beginning the second set honoring him for making the trip from Palo Alto, California to Auburn, Maine for the Amy's Farm show the previous August. Set two opened with Llama, contained a middle-of-the set Antelope and closed with Mike's > Hydrogen > Weekapaug Groove. During Weekapaug, Trey donned rollerblades and skated through the audience while playing his (wireless) guitar. The encore was appropriately Contact followed by the month's second Creature.

Saturday, September 28, 1991

The Rink, Buffalo, NY

Set I: The Landlady > Bouncing Around the Room, Chalk Dust Torture, The Squirming Coil, My Sweet One, Stash, Eliza, Foam, Brother, Golgi Apparatus, Memories

Set II: Llama, Guelah Papyrus, Sparkle, Cavern, Run Like an Antelope, Lawn Boy, The Lizards, Poor Heart, Magilla, Mike's Song > I Am Hydrogen > Weekapaug Groove

Encore: Contact > Big Black Furry Creature from Mars

Show Notes: Before Llama, an award was presented for longest distance traveled for any Phish gig to Henry Petras, who traveled to Amy's Farm from Palo Alto, California. During Weekapaug, Trey soloed while riding through the crowd on rollerblades. BBFCFM featured "I Love Lucy" theme teases and Antelope featured an early Simpsons Signal. After Brother, Trey wished a happy birthday to "Dmitri." Eliza was played for the first time since November 24, 1990 (82 shows).

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