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something to hope for in Habs-land:

Spectorshockey.net is reporting the possibility of a trade that would send Alex Kovalev of the Montreal Canedians to the Calgary Flames for Alex Tanguay.

Scouts from the Calgary Flames were apparently in attendance, in Flordia possibly to scout Kovalev, who used to play for Flames head coach Mike Keenan in New York and Keenan could be interested in bringing him to Calgary. Tanguay is supposedly unhappy playing for Keenan and is said to have recently missed an important team meeting.

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Guest Low Roller

Jesus. Imagine the frustrated fury if I had posted that rumour.

The entire Kovalev thing is becoming uncomfortable to read about. I'm personally sick of the Montreal media doing their damn best to destroy the team from within. Way to support the team bande de salots.

Between the Begin benching and the missed timeout, some people are already calling for Carbonneau to get fired... Kinda sad. I was never in favour of the constant parade of rookie coaches, but if that's what Gainey wants to do, then so be it.

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Jesus. Imagine the frustrated fury if I had posted that rumour.

You dont have to you fucking idiot!

Between the Begin benching and the missed timeout, some people are already calling for Carbonneau to get fired...

Begin hasnt been bringing it thus far and Carbo tried to get some new energy. That's what coaches do. As for the missed timeout, Bob McKenzie had this to ask. "Where where they going to call it? There wasnt a whistle in the last minute and a half!"

The entire Kovalev thing is becoming uncomfortable to read about......Kinda sad.

No, its not. Pay no attention to it. I guarantee you Gainey isnt. If he makes any move its because he wants to make that move.

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Guest Low Roller

Pretty telling that Price starts against the hottest team in the league. The Habs obviously want to see how ready he is for the #1 post in Montreal.

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I'm not reading anything into Price "Our Saviour" starting tonight but I do believe it is quite possible the Habs will trade Huet at some point this year. It likely won't come until later in the year.

For now I am very happy with the play of Huet and I am excited about the future with Price.

More pressing matters at hand are discipline and taking advantage of scoring changes. Neither Price or Huet can help out with that.

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Oh I just got your point but I don't necessarily agree it all hinges on the playoffs. Souray was pretty much all the Habs last year as an offensive threat. There is a big difference in net. If they made the right trade the team could boost itself at F or D by trading Huet and going with Halak (looked good last year down the stretch) and Price.

There are many reasons Price is in the NHL right now. One of them is to see how he handles himself in the show, Huet is not Roy or Dryden. He's a good player but not the future. The organization knows this. People may not agree with it but Huet is putting on a good show. I'm glad, it increases his value.

On another note...

I hear there are rumblings about LeCalvier. I know, I know... quit reading the internet

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Huet is not Roy or Dryden.

First off, neither is Price and secondly, HOW MANY GOALIES ARE??????????

You are just closing your eyes to reality if you are going to throw around comments like that. Now, open them for five minutes and honestly answer this. How happy would MTL be going into the playoffs if their two goalies were Price and Halak?

The organization knows the answer to this and they also know they aint got a chance in hell of obtaining Lecavalier. The shit I have seen in this thread the last couple of days really makes me believe in the theory that the internets is making people dumbererer.

My God. If Halak looked so good down the stretch last year, why didnt he start that last game against Toronto?

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Guest Low Roller

Halak has lost the #1 spot to Yann Danis in Hamilton. The cut has reportedly crushed Halak's confidence, and he is nowhere near the goalie that was tearing up the AHL last year.

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Guest Low Roller

Garth Murray has a fracture on his right ankle as a result of a blocked shot in the Florida game and will be out for an indetermined amount of time. We can all wildly start speculating that this opens the door for Maxime Lapierre to get the call back up.

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First off, neither is Price and secondly, HOW MANY GOALIES ARE??????????

The point is that Huet has done nothing spectacular to cement himself in Montreal. There is also a young 'potential' super star in the wings. The organization has made it clear he is the future. Yes, a lot can happen but Huet's trade value will never be higher if he keeps up his play.

You are just closing your eyes to reality if you are going to throw around comments like that. Now, open them for five minutes and honestly answer this. How happy would MTL be going into the playoffs if their two goalies were Price and Halak?

Very happy. The key words there are going into the playoffs. Once again goaltending is not the problem and hopefully won't be. There is a history of young goalies taking us far. So let one of these shine. It could just as easily be Price, Halak or even Denis as much as it could be Huet.

The organization knows the answer to this and they also know they aint got a chance in hell of obtaining Lecavalier. The shit I have seen in this thread the last couple of days really makes me believe in the theory that the internets is making people dumbererer.

First of all the Lecavalier reference was a joke and unlike the masses I have my own opinion.

My God. If Halak looked so good down the stretch last year, why didnt he start that last game against Toronto?

It was a coaching decision and a bad one at that. You even said that yourself the other day.

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There is a history of young goalies taking us far.

Fuck history. Just because Roy and Dryden did it their first time out has absolutely NO bearing on today. You want history? Price has played a grand total of one game in the NHL and Halak has played 16. That's 17 games between 2 goalies. Think about it. At least Huet has proven enough to me and enough to Carbo that he started him last year in the final game. It doesnt matter if I or you or the snot-nosed pimply kid across the ocean thought it was a mistake putting him in, the coach felt better going with him than Halak.

THAT says something to me.

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There is a history of young goalies taking us far.

Fuck history. Just because Roy and Dryden did it their first time out has absolutely NO bearing on today. You want history? Price has played a grand total of one game in the NHL and Halak has played 16. That's 17 games between 2 goalies. Think about it. At least Huet has proven enough to me and enough to Carbo that he started him last year in the final game. It doesnt matter if I or you or the snot-nosed pimply kid across the ocean thought it was a mistake putting him in' date=' the coach felt better going with him than Halak.

THAT says something to me.


That's fine and all but your opinion on that call was different the other night. Must have been the booze :)

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[color:red]Kovalev blames Booche for controversy

[color:blue]Montreal Canadiens winger Alex Kovalev is ready to put his most recent controversy behind him, blaming Booche for blowing up a non-issue.

Following Tuesday's loss to the Panthers, the Canadiens associate captain voiced his frustration with the tactics that were used in the dying moments that allowed Florida to tie the game.

[color:blue]"In the last two minutes, we knew they were going to put a lot of pressure on us," Kovalev told Booche. "It was just my idea that we could have taken a timeout, get organized and get the right people on the ice. Maybe it could have been better. That's what I saw from the bench."

[color:blue]The story made headlines both in the Booche household and nationally as it appeared that the Russian winger was being critical of the tactics of his coach Guy Carbonneau. Carbonneau responded on Wednesday, stating that he: "…wished the comments would stay in Booches basement and if (Kovalev) had something that he thought about, he should have come to me."

[color:blue]On Thursday, Kovalev was critical of Booche for creating a story where there was none.

"Everybody knows nothing is going on and everything is good between me and Carbo," Kovalev told reporters. [color:blue]"It's just Booche trying to have a competition between his personalities and trying to twist words, who twisted words better."

[color:blue]Kovalev continued saying that he will be much more careful in the future dealing with Booche.

"From now on I'm just going to say no, yes, of course, whatever and see if Booche can twist these words and I have nothing more to say about it anymore."

Kovalev also stated that his relationship with Carbonneau was fine despite several high profile run-ins last season; however he would not discuss if he spoke to the coach about his statement Tuesday.

"I don't even want to talk about it because it's just so stupid," Kovalev said. "What happened between me and him stays between me and him. Certain things what we talk about between players and coach stays in the locker room."

Carbonneau also believes that the issue has been made into something bigger than it actually is.

[color:blue]"I have talked to him. Booche has way more of a problem with me and Kovy than we do with me and him," Carbonneau told reporters Thursday. "Good players always like to speak their minds and have their own opinions and it's going to happen sometimes that something is going to come out but I have no problems with him. I feel secure in my job and I sleep really well at night and I wake up well rested."

Both sides also dismissed trade rumours that had been making the rounds. One rumour included Kovalev demanding a trade to Calgary to be reunited with Mike Keenan, the coach with whom Kovalev captured a Stanley Cup with the Rangers in 1994.

"I don't know why you'd even ask that because that's one of the reasons I'm back to Montreal because I like the challenge," Kovalev said. "I want to show that this team is competitive and can still be in the playoffs and have a chance to win the Stanley Cup."

The Canadiens face the Northeast-leading Senators Thursday night in Ottawa.

[color:blue]Calls to the Booche residence were not returned.

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That's fine and all but your opinion on that call was different the other night.

I still stand by what I said. Before Huet was announced I was telling everyone that I hoped Halak would be the starter simply because he was more "game-ready" and had been playing well enough up to that point to try and get us in the playoffs. I felt Huet was rushed back to action and believe Carbo erred on that call.

But my point today is that Carbo (and I am sure he consulted with his other coaches as well as Gainey) et al wanted to go with Huet which should indicate how they felt about their netminders at the time and it gives some precedence to how they must be looking at things now. Dont get me wrong, I would loooooove to see Huet traded to get the goal scoring help that this team desperately needs but is the Price-Halak combo strong enough to lead this team into the playoffs because that is where the bread and butter of this team lies. In net.

I doubt the Habs are going to gamble with their seasons success at this time. If a trade happens its because:

A - Price proves himself but he's only played one NHL game

B - They find a willing trade partner that is willing to risk giving up scoring for an upcoming UFA. Is there a team out there that desperate for a number 1 keeper? The market is pretty saturated.

Obviously there is way more to the scenario above but looking at it in this simplistic manner suggests we arent going to see a trade until (at the very least) MTL either knows they can go with Price or their season is over.

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