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Guest Low Roller



What a great game last night. All four lines were clicking, each getting goals, 14 different players getting in on the scoring, and try to tell me that Chipchura doesn't belong. Go ahead. Try.

All smiles in the Low Roller camp today.

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Guest Low Roller

Eyes on The Prize is a great Habs blog if anyone cares. It's well written, well researched, and is free of fanatical rants. Unlike the majority of my posts.

Did I mention it's written by a guy who looks suspiciously like a clean-shaven Booche?


Es tu Bouchard?

Anyways, he just started a feature on the history of goalies in the Habs organization, starting with the 1909-1910 season. He goes into detail about each goalie, their achievements, and how they found their way to playing for le Grand Club.

He promises to make this a daily feature, so you may want to bookmark the page and enjoy a nice morning read with that first cup of coffee...

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I'm loving the Habs right now

I dont want to rain on your parade but there is some cause for concern. The Habs absolutely have to STOP allowing teams to get back into the game. They could have just as easily thrown those point earned against Pittsburgh away.

They still have some major work ahead of them if they want to make the playoffs, let alone compete in the spring. A big help will be if they can somehow maintain some scoring. Not at this pace but at least getting more than 2 a game.

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I'm loving the Habs right now

I dont want to rain on your parade but there is some cause for concern. The Habs absolutely have to STOP allowing teams to get back into the game. They could have just as easily thrown those point earned against Pittsburgh away.

They still have some major work ahead of them if they want to make the playoffs' date=' let alone compete in the spring. A big help will be if they can somehow maintain some scoring. Not at this pace but at least getting more than 2 a game.[/quote']

HELLO!!! I was telling you that earlier in the season and you fluffed it off. Remember our talk during the Florida game?

Seriously... Do you remember our conversations when you call? I feel so used. lol

I am just happy they are winning.

OK it's Monday morning... lets not fight.

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I fluffed it off because they hadnt set an ugly pattern yet. Not only that but at least when we talked about it they didnt look like they were giving up or running out of gas. I still had hope at that point.

Get yer ass to Ottawa and start watching some games. You'll actually 'see' what I am talking about rather than checking the stats-pages along with Low Roller.

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Guest Low Roller

I agree that the Habs need to protect that lead much better. I watched the last three games, and I was slightly worried by the emerging pattern of strong start, and fade near the end to finally cling to victory.

Kovalev's dumb penalty was the turning point in the last game because that really put a spark in the Pens and that Sidney midget.

But 4 in a row is four in a row! Rejoice!

It may be time to cycle some players to Hamilton like Price and Grabovski for Halak and Lapierre, just so they can get some playing time. Grabovski has the lowest average ice time of any Hab with just over 10 minutes per game.

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Guest Low Roller

That game was pure wank. Were the Thrashers playing possum all season just for this one game?? The Thrashers looked faster, more hungry, and simply outplayed the Habs.

The Habs looked terrible. A case can be made that it was the worst game of the year so far. Ryder was rightfully benched in the third as his play has gradually gotten lazier game over game. Josh Gorges possibly sealed his own fate with that nifty pass to Kozlov.

The positives that can be taken away from this game is that Price played great and Markov broke the 30 minute time on ice marker for the first time this season.

Anyways it's too early to panic me thinks. October 31st, all is well.

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