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Firewire Audio Recording


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I have an efficient little Mac Mini and I want to eventually record some music with it.

I am trying to find some alternatives to a Digidesign MBox for audio capture and midi routing.

So far the box of choice for me is the focusrite saffire, as it has nice mic pre's, comes with ableton live, and looks really nice.

I don't need any recording software as my mac has garageband.

I only have a computer so I'll also need some reference speakers, but have been toying around with the idea of routing it through a stereo.

I also lack headphones, a midi keyboard controller, a mixer, microphones, and the money to get it all at once so I'm beginning with the sound card.

What's everybody else using and why is it great/horrible/inbetween?

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thanks brad but i need to have some flexibility when i can afford it down the road.

Great little toy for startup but i know i want more. I'll work a few extra days for a better product.

my budget is $400 Saffire Saffire LE presonus Firebox

if there are products as good or relatively comparable at significantly lower prices i would think about pandering down.

after all, i still need a mic and cables, stands, monitors, and some disposable income.

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I don't need any recording software as my mac has garageband.

ahhh, if you want to actually "go to town" on your mixes, Garage Band ain't gonna cut it...

I am trying to find some alternatives to a Digidesign MBox for audio capture and midi routing.

Do yourself a favour NOW...instead of rushing out and buying a piece of equipment that will soon be limiting for you, seriously look at the MBox 2...you'll be kicking yourself for months if you don't...you live in Vangroovy so I'm sure that there are music stores giving Digi-demos frequently...

So far the box of choice for me is the focusrite saffire, as it has nice mic pre's, comes with ableton live, and looks really nice.

LOOKS REALLY NICE???...who fuggin' cares...it comes down to what comes out of the box...not what the box looks like...decent pre-amp???...if you're paying $400.00 for the whole unit the pre-amp is nothing special...Have you seen all of the software that comes with ProTools besides Ableton?...if you want to MIDI-out, you also have reason, the brand new free plug-in Xpand and so much more...

Take some time, do some research and demos and then make your choice...it's only a suggestion but don't opt out for the cheaper version...you will regret it...

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It too would suggest M audio or the M box 2. I think you don't want to get Pro Tool because your a stubborn passive non conformist :) Pro Tools is getting a lot more midi friendly and if you ever what to take your tracks to get mixed in a bigger studio, it will make life a lot easier if it's a Pro Tools session.

Glad to hear your still making/playing music. The next time your back for a visit, we'll have to make some time for some jamming.

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i threw in the 'looks nice' bit for fun...

right now i'm not going to need to 'go to town' and when the time comes i figure I could upgrade my software.

however...the software options that come with the mbox seem ideal. the version of ableton live is very light, and the presonus firebox that i was also looking at has very light software apps.

i might - for now - wond up doing one of 3 things.

1. sitting on my ass and aching to record at home

2. go for the saffire cause it's going to sound great or get something in that mid range knowing that i'll upgrade

3. buy a super low end product and just get some super rough preproduction on the go.

the MBox2 pro is pricy and i have some pretty strong scottish roots. aargh. poor and cheap.

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