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Borat & Beck on Letterman last night!

eDDie mAx

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Anyone else see this? The Borat interview was funny, but Borat running out during Beck's performance playing some weird middle-eastern instrument with a butter knife, dancing around was hilarious! Beck even chuckled while he was singing! I don't know if that was planned or not, but either way I think the band enjoyed it!

Here's the interview:


If anyone can find the performance, can you please post it?

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I thought the interview was pretty funny but I admit I am already growing a bit weary of Borat repeating the same jokes everywhere he goes. He's just funny to look at!

also, I got the impression, Letterman was not too impressed with his guest and simply humoured him. Anyone else get that feeling?

I turned it off after Borat because Beck is an overrated curio in music history, all style and little substance ("Sea Changes" the exception).

I have opinions!

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I turned it off after Borat because Beck is an overrated curio in music history, all style and little substance ("Sea Changes" the exception).

Now there's a man after my heart, in more ways than one. I do respect that Beck has been working with Dose One and his group Subtle lately (how do people not listen to Subtle?!!?)- he knows his shit at least.

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