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The Blue Jays are at it again...


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Are you serious?????????

Wow. I would have lost money on that bet, but I am not surprised. Fuckme. That is a killer effect on a bullpen.

Not only Chacin. Lily has never had a complete game in Toronto. He goes max 7 innings but more like 6 1/3. The horses are obviously Burnett and Halladay with the remaining starters really putting a tax on the middle relief guys.

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I think Burnett will bounce back. Towards the end of the season he was lights out. I think he went 7-2 with sub 3 era. We need one more legit starter, whether thats Meche, Lilly, or whoever. We could use both Lilly and Meche however...now THAT would be awsome.

Me thinks our rotation will go like this





Marcum, Janssen, Towers, Taubenhiem, McGowan, Whoever

Although it would be much better if we had






and then the rest of those guys can go to the minors where they can learn to pitch better. Because none of those guys are good enough to count on, even for the fifth starter slot.

Although there are always trades...and I think JP is going to get another IF so they can platoon Clayton with someone else and have J-Mac as the backup.

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I think it's time for Chacin to step up and be a #3 starter. Gil Meche is pretty good, but Chacin has a better upside - I feel we haven't seen everything the kid can do yet. Lily is more of a legit #4 or #3 at best. I'd actually rather have Lily than Meche because he can battle against the big boys. He usually pitches well against the Yanks and Red Sox. Meche doesn't play against these teams regularly. However, Lily will be over-paid no matter who eventually lands him.

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While I agree it's time for Chacin to step up, he does not have a better upside than Chacin. They are the same age, and Meche is wayyy more polished than Chacin. Chacin was deceptively terrible last year, finding ways to win because we had a good offense. I would much rather have Meche in the 3 spot than Chacin who is at best a number 4 and a number 5 based on past performances and injury history. I think Lilly is a legit number 3 however doesn't have as much potential as Meche, is older, and will cost more money. Amazingly, at the contracts these pitchers are signing, AJ's contract of last year is gonna look like a bargain. We are paying him only 3 mil more a year than friggen Adam Eaton...this year he would've cost 70 mil. Instead of the 55 we signed him for.

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Both Meche and Chacin have bloated ERA's, but I think Chacin has a better upside. He battled though injuries last year. Don't get me wrong, Chacin has a lot of work to do, but I think he still can be a consistant 12-14 win pitcher or even better. Meche has had an easier schedule pitching out west and his ERA remains well above 4.40.

It really doesn't matter since the Jays haven't signed another pitcher yet.

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Clayton isn't much of an upgrade. The Jays are getting mixed reviews from baseball pundits on this deal. They are not addressing the future or greatly upgrading the now. Clayton is 36 and made 18 errors last year. Johnny Mac is a very good fielder, but perhaps he's better as a utility infielder.

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Wells, at the moment, is a distraction to fans.

No thanks to articles like that. Those kind of pieces piss me off nowadays. It makes even the most casual fan think "Yeah, sign him or trade him." as if it is a simple little move like the pushing buttons of your controller for EA Sports MLB Baseball on a PS2.

Hey Griffin, you aint no GM. Shut the fuck up.

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No shit. You realize that they sarted this stupidness half way through last season too?

"Wells' contract is coming to an end at the end of next season, and the Jays wont be able to re-sign him. He'll probably go to Texas."

What the fuck is that? We have to listen to this now for an entire season. Never mind what the Jays do, this is all we'll hear.

Next their gonna have him on Mike Bullard with that stupid ass begging him to stay like they did with Vince.

Why are people so stupid?

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If the Jays could get one pitcher this offseason, realistically, who would it be? Lilly? Meche? Mulder? Suppan?

All are gonna be so over priced and not an upgrade over our previous rotation (if we get Lilly back, its the same, if we get Meche, it may be a downgrade depending on who you talk to). So is it really worth it to throw money at any of these guys? Are Marcum, Janssen etc really that bad?

Lilly is gonna get a boat load of cash (maybe the same as Burnett per year) and is he really worth it? I mean Lilly is a good pitcher and he would be a good fit as our number 3, but is it worth spending another 10 mil or more on him? Especially when he is gonna be mid 30s by the time the contract ends? Parts of me hope that the Cubs get him...

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Over-priced is an understatement. This year is really put a kink in the chains for me. I was slowly getting back into baseball thanks to the Jays but I cant handle the money being thrown around.

70 million for JD Drew???????????????

Agreed! 70mil for that guy no fuckin' way!

Baseball has gotten so out of control to the point that even a pitcher that has 6.00ERA and wins 7 games gets over a mil a year.

So outta hand....

Seems funny that back 1979 Nolan Ryan was the first player to be paid 1 million a year by the Astro's and everyone thought that was insane!

look at the situation now. Second rate hacks are making triple that no problem. At least Ryan was a future hall of famer and a perrenial 20game winner.

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