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Country Campin'


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Hi everybody!

Knowing that most folk on here know thier campgrounds and good crowds.......can I ask for some suggestions on "Country Camping" here in Ontario. Who's been there? Anyone have any helpfull info for me?


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Guest Low Roller

Well Algonquin Park (about three hours drive from Ottawa) would come to mind first if you just want to find a patch of land to pitch a tent. There are plenty of camp grounds there since it's a provincial park.

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Guest Low Roller

Oh shit, 'country camping' is an actual place? Well colour me ignorant. Sorry, I thought you were a camping newbie and were just asking for camping spots.

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Country Camping is a nightmare. I really found it to be a disturbing vibe. It's not all 'hello, how are you', like Frontier. Lots of chemicals, lots of coke, , lots of alcohol, lots of teenage angst. They confiscated my bottle of olive oil due to the no bottle ban. I mean, I know there's a no bottle ban but hell, it's cooking oil. It's not like I'm going to walk around with it.

My vote: [Frown][Frown][Frown][Frown][Frown]

5 sad faces!

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country camping would be cool if there were more hippy girls. they're definitely prettier. you don't have to cheisel their masks off to see what they look like or if they've got nice skin...so you'r not so scared to find something sleeping next to you in the morning...i'd hate to wake up and think that i just did a raccoon.

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Not a bad place to party,just a different way of looking at it.Reminded me of the Freak Olympics at one time,but now not so much anymore.


Lots of chemicals, lots of coke, , lots of alcohol

Seems alot like Ghosttown there Willy......

Really though,a place like that is all what you make it,go in looking down your nose at people and they will pick up on it,just like anywhere else.Its a crazy party,just have fun.

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The same drugs are present at both is all I mean,I have been to both places many times,I know they are not alike,but they are what you make it.

I brought a friend to GT back in '01 and she said the same thing..."Too many whacked chem heads for her".

To each their own......

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"Coke and K are A - OK"

this is the mantra I heard eminating from one particular campsite while wandering around at the July 1st Come Together Fest. There are always LOTS of chemicals at Ghost Town!

As far as I can tell, the main difference is that Come Together Festival draws a specific crowd/demographic of like minded people to the scene. Country Camping draws a wide range of people(weirdos), many who don't have the same laid-back partying style that your average hippie/jam kid has....

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Thanks for all the feedback [smile]

well it looks like my budds have decided on CC for the weekend

Hopefully we don't run into too many 'wacked out' folks.....

anyone heading up there be sure to stop by our 'jam site' for some dancey groovin' action.

we'll make our own little frontier town [Wink]

Peace everyone ..... have a rockin long weekend!

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