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Losin' it!


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Do you ever have one of those days when it seems like the whole world is crashing down on you, and people are coming at you from all sides with problem followed by problem?

That is all.

try to not let other peoples problems become yours

and it is very hard sometimes a soft heart has to harden a bit for your own piece of mind and usless use of energy

hope your day tomorrow is better

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Hey Phorbesie and Velvet:

This seems like as good a place as any to tell you guys that things have drastically changed, and I expect to be quite available on Monday. If we don't hook up before The Who, I expect that Karina and I will meet you guys at the Orbit Room, at least for a little bit.

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I vote bokonon's avatar appears on every page and becomes the new logo!

Glad to hear your day is picking up Mountain man.

are you kidding me? that avatar drives me crazy in a BAD way. please don't suggest such a thing!

Thanks MS Hux. Nothing beats enthusiastic expletives! Um, Phorbsie, sorry about driving you nuts. Is there something specific about it, or just a general dislike?

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