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M's Yule Tube


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M sent me the link to her myspace and her 'Yule Tube' top five video pics with links and the rationale. I thought they were great choices and well expressed.

Merry Christmas all.

Yule Tube

3) Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne, Prince & Friends .. While My Guitar Gently Weeps

This is one of my favourite clips to play for folks. It is the ultimate in rare collaborations: Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne, Prince & friends performing at the Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame ceremony. Jeff Lynne eerily yet impeccably channels the late George Harrison's voice in this performance. Even more other-worldly is George Harrison's son's presence on the stage playing acoustic guitar (seen in the footage over Tom Petty's left shoulder). It's like watching a young George himself play along with his aged compatriots from rock history.

The ultimate moment in this footage is when the viewer notes that Prince is on the stage with these legends. A legend himself to a younger generation than Petty and Lynne's, it is surprising (yet notably reverential) to see him take an initial 'backseat' in the performance given his reputation for flair. However, that all soon changes when Prince steps up to the plate and plays a modern take on the song's guitar solo like you've never heard. His guitar first weeps, and then builds to a Hendrix-like wail, in a fitting and emotional tribute to my favourite Beatle. Viewers can take comfort in the fact that although George isn't with us anymore, he's in heaven now and no doubt has formed his own super-group of performers.

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