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Someone copied by debit card!


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Got a call from TD, asking me if I was downtown a half hour ago, making several attempts to withdraw $500 from my account with the wrong PIN. Obviously I was not.

Scary to think that this was done. He said they usually rig a store's debit machine and install a camera to capture the PIN - lucky for me I always cover up the keys when entering it.

Another friendly reminder to protect your PIN!

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this happened to me and my wife like a week before christmas }:( Luckily mine got froze before they can do anything, on the other hand they got my wife for all she had plus her overdraft :( Luckily the banks have insurance these days and you DO get your money back. The thing that sucks about that is that it takes 10 buisness days to get back to your account. Think about all the holidays around christmas too, so it seemed to take for ever to get back. They did give her a few hundred bucks to help get her by, but not much if ya consider what went missing.

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i used td's online banking, I know when all my bills and stuff go threw so I try not to keep more then like $100 in account that i can access by anything in my wallet.

as for my visa I get called almost once a week from there theft prevention team for my purchases so I"m pretty happy that is someone copied it they be on it right away. They even call me on my cell now.

What do most banks do if this sort of thing happens?

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Wow I'm amazed at the amount of people affected by card fraud. Just before Christmas my MasterCard company called me asking if I did $500.00 of online gaming.

I still had possession of my card so they were just unsing my number. I have no idea how they got it.

Anyway I was so impressed with my MC company for catching it as quickly as they did and for how quickly they had a new card out to me with a corrected balance.

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my MC got cancelled without my knowledge when i was travelling a few years ago. when i couldn't get any money and called MC, they told me my card had been 'compromised' but they refused to tell me ANYTHING other than that...wouldn't give me any details at all. (i still have no idea what happened). it sucked because i couldn't use my card and they wouldn't send me a new one to the country i was in (india...can't really blame em i guess) so if i hadn't had another card i would have been screwed!

i don't usually keep the best track of my debit withdrawals, but now after reading this thread i've been looking at my online statement and convincing myself i didn't make all those withdrawals...hehe

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