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America: Freedom To Fascism


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Not sure if anyone has already posted this or not, but I was emailed this a week or so ago but hadn't got around to watching it.

America: Freedom to Fascism is 2006 documentary film by Aaron Russo. It screened near the 2006 Cannes Film Festival (see below), and was exhibited in theaters in select U.S. cities.[1]

The main premise of the film is that the Federal Reserve banking system has maxed out the national debt and bankrupted the United States government, forcing illegitimate taxation to be imposed. The film describes this attempt at taxation as futile, only prolonging the inevitable collapse of the American way of life.

This documentary covers many subjects, all specific to America, including: the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), income tax, the Federal Reserve System, national ID cards (REAL ID Act), human-implanted RFID tags (Spychips), Diebold electronic voting machines,[2] globalization, the possibility of America becoming a police state, Big Brother, and the alleged use of terrorism by government as a means to diminish the citizens' rights.


Anyway, if anyone is interested in watching it, there is an authorized version of the entire movie on google video, so if you have two hours of free time check it out.


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I've been chirping about this doc quite a bit. I've sent out copies to a few people from these parts (moreso over on the political forum).


IT's absolutely shocking to learn about some of the stuff contained in this film.

If anyone is really interested, watch the link that 'bamaman put up there, or pm me and I'd be happy to burn a DVD and send it out (along with a few other docs on it as well ).

Later . . .

Kanada Kev =8)

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Thanks again KK.

I found this to be a little to Libertarian for me, there is a lot of interesting information in it but I could have done less with the whole taxes are illegal bit. Also, the part where the guns are taken away from people in mansions after Katrina being referred to as facist doesn't really strike me as correct.

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I wasn't overly impressed or shocked by alot of what was in this doc. The whole tax is illegal thing got a bit old (I know thats what the film is about, but still), especially since I had heard of this in my teens & twenties from a family friend (of my parents) originally from the US who always went off on how it was illegal, how the gov't tested drugs on citizens & other conspiracy stuff. Although he survived vietnam and isn't all together in the first place.

I did find the film interesting though, especially the court rulings/juror testimonys & federal reserve info. Worth the watch.

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i downloaded it after i read KK's post the first time around... i thought it was pretty interesting and crazy, but not in a totally blown away way because it just confirmed what i already thought about this world being totally fucked - all the backroom shit that floats everything is mind boggling. the government not owning their own money? thats kinda fucked, no? i dont know a lot (about much, really), but i imagine they may not be the only place that is in that situation, but i think its so gross because of the size of their economy on a world scale.

the narrator/producer/documenter/whateverhisnamewas, i forget, hahaha, kinda came off to me like he had a bit of an axe to grind about gettin' caught not paying his taxes, and decided to take it pretty far... though, i dont disagree with him: if there's no law, there's no law. but who knows - i just thought he was a little nuts.

a lot of the electronic tagging / id card stuff was pretty crazy, though... certainly cause for concern, especially where they draw it to currency, banking, personal information, etc... that whole lineage is kinda scary.

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