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US govt sent 363 tonnes of cash to Baghdad before the turnover

Davey Boy 2.0

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that's ok.

this whole thread seemed to lean to the more ridiculous side of things, so i guess i leant with it.

the only serious thing i said in this thread was:

omg. no.

Of course it got ridiculous. The whole thing from top to bottom is and has been from the start. You can go back as far as you like in time/history and see for yourself. It's just a little bit more disheartening when you have a little fun with it.

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my god, you must be the fun one.

re: the toilet paper comment

most parts of africa don't have access to atm's. if thousands of US dollars dropped on their land what do you think they can do with it? it's not like they can run to their local store and buy a bag of milk. it's not like they have access to cars to drive into say.. johannesburg where they would be able to take US cash. That is what i meant by using it as toilet paper!! Money needs to be in the hands of people who can actually purchase goods with it! If the money dropped in the 'certain parts' of Africa I was referring to, these people wouldn't have that ability, nor would they have access to the resources required to have that ability to use the money, unless say they overlanded across the desert for days and days and days and days... and that again, requires transportation.

read up on the ineffectiveness of humanitarian missions that come to Africa, thinking their world exists as ours does and just how much of a shock they experience when they find out that it does not.

re: what you said

stop with the fun police thing. don't think that because a few people laugh once in a while, they're not able to care. because you're dead fucking wrong.

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I think that almost everywhere in Africa and the rest of the world accepts US currency.

Sure there's poverty but people still work for a wage. Money is money. No ATMs but there's still money. There are almost no hunter/gatherers left in the world.

I understand what you were saying but I think that you are wrong and perpetuating a stereotype that Africans live in huts and use girraffe dung as currency.

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This is a bit of a stupid thread.

If the cash was diverted to African aid who would honestly suggest:

a) it be air-dropped, and

B) said aid should delivered in the form of a handfull of cash.

However, birdy's statement about Africans using it as toilet paper was a very poor choice of words and gives the impression that if a pallet of US cash were given to a (well intentioned) government of an African nation it could not be put to good use. Despite isolated areas, even the poorest African countries have currencies - have you done such travelling birdy? Deliver a vintage Ferrari to Muammar Gaddafi or somethin?

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agh! ok, poor choice of words! i'm sorry to give any sort of impression with them, because so far, the impressions haven't been ones that my words have intended.

i have done some traveling, yes hux.. not yet overlanding across africa.. but i did date and live with a guy who drove overlanding buses across the african and south american continents and have heard enough stories to know that there are places in this world that are not equipped to deal with US cash should it fall from the sky.

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