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Chopped and Screwed


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This is pretty much all the shit I listen to or other dirty south shit - I mean for fun. Which is weird to write about Jewish accordionist's while listening to slowed down music influenced heavily by purple cough syrup.

Chopped and Screwed basically means a remix (chopped). The screwed part is the crunk juice or basically a robotripping type high they whack out on at rave type heavy duty parties from Memphis to Dallas.

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The chopped and screwed remix genre was pioneered by Texas native/crunk master DJ Screw.

It was his penitent for playing hip-hop at molasses slow tempos that started the movement and from there he went about remixing popular rap songs of the day in that chopped and slowed down style.

"Dirty south" practitioners drink "the sizzurp". Sizzurp is a mixture of strawberry soda, alcohol and liquid codeine cough syrup. The effect of this potent mixture is that is slows you down and numbs everything. Hence the style.

Paul Wall and Little Jon have been heavily influenced and mentored by DJ Screw (who is now dead) and desrves all credit for this remix style.

Get CRunk! :P :crazy:

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The chopped and screwed remix genre was pioneered by Texas native/crunk master DJ Screw.

Paul Wall and Little Jon have been heavily influenced and mentored by DJ Screw (who is now dead) and desrves all credit for this remix style.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember reading that for something to be legitimately "Screwed", Screw himself had to do it. Anything else is a (potentially well-done) imitation. The fact that Screw is dead means that there will never be any more truly "Screwed" mixes out there.

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Okay here's the thing. I'm realizing that I don't often get to listen to music I 'like'. I claim to like and love a lot of music but really I just expose myself to a lot of it in order to make an informed opinion. Then I write and maybe lie frankly about how for instance an artist is very interesting as they often are, not my bag, but their music may in fact not be good.

So I'm more conscious of what 'I' listen to. Because it helps you pause and focus and recharge as an artist or writer in this case both. Right now I'm listening to Still Tippin' which I got in my head right before I went in the library 'tippin' on Fo Fo's' (4 4's or rather 40 40's). It's probably the single best and greatest chopped and screwed song for some obvious reasons.

Mike Jones is well Mike Jones. This basically a really really common BET joint that's sort of a shitty song frankly at regular speed. Mike Jones is sort of a yutz but looks cool. Paul Wall is literally THE orthodontic jeweller who went into hip hop. It'd be like if Lisa Loeb's optician became the next Jewel. Slim Thug I don't know about his biography but he is actually the shit for real.

So tippin on fo fo's means riding in the escalade on big rims is all. But it's chopped and screwed as a significant new African American art form coming out of the Dirty South that is what's important.

Still Tippin (chopped and screwed) - Mike Jones feat. Slim Thug & Paul Wall

Still Tippin - Mike Jones feat. Slim Thug & Paul Wall Video

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Dude I hadn't read over this yet, but this is dead on accurate and I couldn't have said a single word different or better.

The chopped and screwed remix genre was pioneered by Texas native/crunk master DJ Screw.

It was his penitent for playing hip-hop at molasses slow tempos that started the movement and from there he went about remixing popular rap songs of the day in that chopped and slowed down style.

"Dirty south" practitioners drink "the sizzurp". Sizzurp is a mixture of strawberry soda, alcohol and liquid codeine cough syrup. The effect of this potent mixture is that is slows you down and numbs everything. Hence the style.

Paul Wall and Little Jon have been heavily influenced and mentored by DJ Screw (who is now dead) and desrves all credit for this remix style.

Get CRunk!

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It's like when you've been friends with a lot of people for a really long time and you realize most of them are what Mickey Rourke in Barfly called 'Fraaaaands'. There is in fact a difference between Friends and Fraaaaaands. This music just means a great deal to me and it's weird as shit but I thought everyone here dug on weird as shit music. I just mean sometime in your life it's not going to kill you.

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Sorry Luke I should have expanded, I just meant that without clicking on this link that you put up, I still know exactly what kind of music fan I am (not a huge one, in the way that music doesn't control my life anymore) and I also don't think I am stupid. That being said, I may check out this "warped drug state" music when I get home from work. Sorry for being short earlier.

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