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I've got two friends on this whole board


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This is actually my last post.

You all need to get some help. If I am to be a friend to myself I need to be a friend to all of you. Some of you are very lost and in fact sick. You have the disease of addiction which is okay because it doesn't have to be terminal. I have it too but I also have a gift/illness that allows me to be patient and sit it out sometimes. Goodbye skank it's been cool(ish).

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Please don't leave.

Brad as a heads up I wrote my first I think somewhat prolific piece of fiction a very short story and you are the other main character. It's meant to be flattering.

and it will be up on the main page soonish.

The main page of what? Where/when will it be up?



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you know what'd cheer you up, luke? put on that Ringo Starr tune- 'don't come easy' and crank it. That always makes me want to fuckin tear my shirt off and eat it. And there is nothing better than that feeling.

ps- me and the barr bros. are having a sleepover, and they both say hi!

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Zero didn't just disappear without an exit.

Always contrived enough to dismiss his chance to be a legend.

He's not totally gone. Maybe from this board but he's got some new heads he can try to hold his social and moral clout over.

Too bad he can't just soak in the fall.

Oh - lurkers beware - you will never truly confront your problems without being, active, present, honest, and forthright.

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Obviously I am not getting something.I'm newish to this board, and I don't understand all the permutations of past antipathies and allegiances,but what I really don't understand is how vitrolic some of you are towards zero.To an extent I'm obviously biased because I get to belong to the "club"(thanks zero,I am your friend), but really whats the deal?

I can understand not agreeing with someone, not liking their music,whatever.

But if you just dont care for it,ignore it, if you actually activeley dislike it then intelligently describe why, and dont fucking attack an individual personally unless your problem is personal ,in which case take it to PT.

And numerodos is right-if you dont care,then dont open the thread.If you are tired of zero-dont open the thread.If you think its melodrama or grandstanding, why are you adding to it by throwing insults like bipolar?

Oh wait,on second thought people should totally have their breakdowns behind closed doors and discreetly-its much easier on the rest of us.

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