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Why tND cancelled Zoophorus...


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Zoophorus is an outdoor festival happening in Whistler, BC on August 30th. Featuring De La Soul, Garaj Mahal, Karl Densons Tiny Universe, Global Funk Council + 1 more to be announced. The New Deal were part of it up until a few weeks ago when they pulled-out (legally according to their contract) for previously unknown reasons... So I asked them why they pulled-out and got this reply:

From Dan (tND):

So about the Whistler show.

We have a show on the 31st of August here in Toronto that has been in the works

for quite some time. Recently we decided that we were going to add a few players

for that show in order to be able to play some of the more elaborate songs from our

new record (vocalists, guitarists, etc), and as it is going to be the first show of

its kind for TND, we began to feel wary about arriving back in Toronto the day of the show no earlier than 6pm for a 9pm start. The technical aspects of putting on the show

are going to be too demanding to try to assemble it in 3 hours, but more

importantly, we would have slept a grand total of 2 hours between the end of the show in Whistler and the time we would arrive at the airport in Toronto. That doesn't make for

a good show here, and we'd be preoccupied with the staggering amount of hassle and

stress we'd be facing the whole time we were playing in Whistler.

Before we were going to do the New Deal "Orchestra" angle on the 31st, we would

have been ok with the kind of travel we were going to have to deal with. We

would have flown out of Toronto on the morning of the 30th, hit the ground running

and not stopped until we were passed out at 5am Sunday back in the departure lounge

of the Vancouver airport, sleeping on the floor waiting for a 7am departure. This

has been done many times before, but the pressure we'd be putting on ourselves and

our crew is not cool if we wanted to put on a show that we haven't done before.

This show in Toronto is a test run of sorts to see how we like it.... if it's

good, we're thinking of bringing it on the road in the fall for the album release tour.

Having a chance to do it live on stage is key for us, and this was the only opportunity

we might have had to try it out.


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I say bring on Sound Tribe Sector 9!!! According to their website they aren't busy until September 6th!

Too bad about tND cancelling and I'm sure its been a real beeyatch of a problem for Upstream, but that Toronto show sounds really cool. I guess it could go either way but I hope it works out for the better.

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le boo. le grand boo.....too bad no ND at Zoophorous, what after party is gonna be happenin' now? I guess it'll have to be Garaj for the Golden crew now....nice the see that tND is changing some stuff up though, good luck to that. I'll have to stay tuned for new line up updates. Weezy....are y'all planning to camp? Looking for good times in Whistler.... [big Grin][Wink][Razz][big Grin]

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I've heard they want to go out on the road with this new 'orchestra' line up. Dan is getting married to Martina Sorbara I believe, she's gonna Yoko it up for a few tunes each night, a percussionist also. I think that's the 5 they're talking about. Leslie Feist (By Divine Right, Broken Social Scene) is on the album as well although she's in France so I doubt she'll turn up. Apparently the new album is a radical departure from the past- a very radical departure.

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4:20 Western time!!!


It's a Zoo-for-us!!!!

Late night Garaj @ the Boot is the new place to be... AND... Derek has arranged the Zoophorus SUPERJAM wrap party on Sunday the 31st (@ The Boot) with Garaj, Karl D, Dr. Didj, members of Global Funk Council & ANY OTHER JAMMERS STILL IN THE VICINITY!!!!

Party Party!!!

Damn spoiled Westerners!!!

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