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Plastic bag washers?

snarfmaster C

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In NW's defence I would say that with a few dozen strokes of the corporate pen the world could be in much much better shape than if 80% of us did everything we could around the house or in personal way on a day-to-day basis (shopping bags, walking or cycling to work, energy and water efficiency etc etc;)

but the flipside---> the more we all do the more time it buys us, so yes i would also say that it's all worthwhile if only to prolong what seems at this point to be the inevitable

PS when is the govt going to start shooting our garbage into outer space?!?!?

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In NW's defence I would say that with a few dozen strokes of the corporate pen the world could be in much much better shape than if 80% of us did everything we could around the house or in personal way on a day-to-day basis (shopping bags, walking or cycling to work, energy and water efficiency etc etc;)

but the flipside---> the more we all do the more time it buys us, so yes i would also say that it's all worthwhile if only to prolong what seems at this point to be the inevitable

I totally understand where NW is coming from...it is frustrating to see that...but even regardless. I wouldn't stop recycling or caring just because the big corporations don't.

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