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I was chilling on my buddy's stoop in North T.O. We were sitting with his neighbours when some guy from down the street came by with his cat -- ON A LEASH! We told him to take off cause his cat was hissing at our cat, and he said he'd just hold the cat. That worked for like 5 minutes till the cat went nuts and scrathed the crap out of him. Then for an hour and a half we watched in horror as the guy kept tring to get the cat to go with him and the cat just got madder and madder and kept attacking him. We yelled at the guy to leave the cat alone. Then Barry (my friend's roomate and chronic sufferer of short-man's complex) got all pissed and wanted to kill the cat which made me upset and the cat's owner got in his face and we had to break the two of them up before the shoves turned to blows. It was a nightmare really. Wish I'd had a video camera. We eventually got the cat in a blanket and sent the jackass on his dumbass way. Best part was that the guy had a full mailman's outift on, but had not patches. Fucking joke, man.

But for the rest of the night we bet on when lights would come back where and watched the glorious stars above the darkened city.

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