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White Cowbell Oklahoma Live @ Mavericks April 25th


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I love this band, both for their music and their debaucherous attitude.

The only comment I have, though, is that the next time I see them I will actually wear ear-plugs. I seriously think they damaged my hearing.

(As I write this, I can't help remembering being a young punk-rocker, living by the adage, "If it's too loud, you're too fuckin' old!" Ah well, I'm too fuckin' old.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Velvet: Go to this show.

They are crazy pretend-southern-rednecks, with wailing guitars. They have a theory that if one lead guitar is cool, and dual leads are even cooler, then the more lead guitarists the better. They have been known to have upwards of 30 lead guitarists on stage.

One of them is also known for standing completely naked while two hot girls hold his guitar for him. He uses his "appendage" inside a JD bottle as a slide, and does the Freebird solo. They also bring strippers and generally slutty women to dance and auction off their t-shirts and things. There may also be cannons and chainsaws.

Go to this, but wear ear-plugs as they are unnecessarily loud.

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I posted this a couple of months ago after a friend of mine saw them at Barrymores and sent the following email. I would love to go but work preceeds anything.

You say rock. We say roll.

You say cow. We say bell.

DUDE!!! you missed probably the most outrageous thing I have ever seen in Ottawa last night. White Cowbell Oklahoma can never, ever be missed again.

Here are some highlights ...

- 11 people on stage ... 4 guitars, bass dude who looked exactly like Chris Farley, lead singer, drums, keys, two tatooed 'ambiance' grils i.e. pseudo (strippers), and a dude in an Evil Kinevil jumpsuit playing nothing but cowbell all night.

- every song was high, high, high energy with every member exhibiting some soft of rock 'n roll cliche... leg kicks, rock star poses, macking for the cameras, jumping off speakers, and so on. And yes, every song had every member doing these things at all times. You did not know where to look.

- dude pretending to douse the audience in gasoline and light them on fire

- dude brings out a chainsaw and proceeds to shred toilet paper all over the audience

- ambiance girls doing mock dyke scenes and who also had trouble keeping their tops on (they did the last three songs topless)

- punk rock dude in the audience taking things a bit too seriously and everyone around mocking him to the point where he threw a temper tantrum and

the bouncers came in and beat the sh!t out of his 98 pound ass.

- call for encore was the loudest I have ever heard in Ottawa... The bartenders were even on top of the bar clanging beer jugs to make more


As Dan said as we left ... I cannot believe I just saw that in Ottawa.

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Horseshoe Tavern

Toronto, Ontario

January 25, 2002

by Keith Carman

Hallelujah! We have seen the saviours of Southern-fried rock 'n' roll. Comprised of every person you ever guffawed at with a trailer park joke or a "You might be a redneck if..." gags, these Jesus-lovin' riff-rockers tore the capacity Horseshoe crowd a new butthole! Kicking off the festivities, our favourite chicken-killer Colonel Sanders fired up the crowd, tongue-lashing a new non-believing priest as 16 members (including our favourite beer-swilling "pregnant" cousin and some of the creepiest buck-toothed ogres this side of the Mason-Dixon line) took the stage and tore into a tribute to marijuana.

Over the course of the next two hours, the 'Bell proceeded to save our souls through the healing powers of rock whilst multiple guests filtered onto the already packed stage. Most notable was the Colonel's newest Latino sidekick who brought a massive bag of white fun powder and a couple of chiquitas to the party. He wasn't the only friend to make a guest appearance though. That inbreeding has done the 'Bell some good, as a couple of said guests strongly resembled prominent members of Sloan and Barenaked Ladies. Hmmm...

It should be noted though, that while the 'Bell are an unbelievable treat for the eyes, their music is just as punchy, raw and infectious as any of the members. It's an odd mix of Lynyrd Skynyrd and church hymns, where every song is a rousing chant-a-long where singers belt out over four guitars, two drummers, fiddle, bass, keyboards, a Moog-wankin' wizard, banjo and accordion.

Ensuring the spectacle reached magnum proportions, alcohol, sexual innuendoes and obscenities flew at the audience with reckless abandon. Capping the night with a four-foot phallus that drenched the crowd in god-knows-what and a majestic "wet titty" t-shirt contest (that included some of our own Chart staffers, girfriends of Sloan members and the managing editor of a trade music magazine), the pandemonium that is White Cowbell Oklahoma was so over-the-top, most of us could do little more than stand there drunk, stunned and scared shitless.

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