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Sam Mitchell: 2007 Coach of the Year

afro poppa

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Not to sound like a hater, but I don't think Mitchell really deserves this.

The Raptors turn around has little to do with him and more to do with moves from the top with Coangelo. Mitchell just hung on and let the players play and maybe learned he can't continually berate his players and have team moral.

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Mitchell just hung on and let the players play and maybe learned he can't continually berate his players and have team moral.

i know shit about basketball, and probably shouldn't comment, but is it possible that Mitchell did what you describe better than all the other coaches?

(FWIW I think there's more to coaching than that, but like I said, I know shit about basketball these days.)

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With all due respect to the job Sam Mitchell did during the regular season, the "coach of the year" is being completely out-witted by Lawrence Frank.

Sure the players have to take a lot of the heat because to put it bluntly, they have stunk out the joint the last two games. The problem with Sam is his inability to make the necessary adjustments.

As bad as they were in Game 3, the Raptors came out even worse in Game 4. Whether it be the shoddy defence, stagnent offence, or his substitution pattern, Mitchell has been outcoached in every aspect.

The Nets, meanwhile have gotten better with each game.

Like many of his players, Sam is experiencing the post-season for the first time as a coach and he's looking as lost as the guys on the court.

Concerning that section in bold, is that todays new 'buzz' word amongst sports writers or what?

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Not to sound like a hater, but I don't think Mitchell really deserves this.

The Raptors turn around has little to do with him and more to do with moves from the top with Coangelo. Mitchell just hung on and let the players play and maybe learned he can't continually berate his players and have team moral.

I am completely biased, but without a doubt Sam Mitchell deserves this award. As Colangelo deserves his more than likely upcoming executive of the year award.

Do you think it's easy to combine nine new players onto a team, LET ALONE, when two of the most important ones don't even speak english as a first language? I think thats pretty tough. While Colangelo gave him a clean slate, Mitchell painted some pretty good artwork on it. And even if the playoffs turn to shit (which it seems they have) he did a great job and I pray he will be back next season.

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i was just talking trash mr afro poppa. maybe i made a good point, i don't know. just curious, what are the languages spoken on the raptors? most hockey teams have other players than can translate, is this the case in toronto? (i know nothing)

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i was just talking trash mr afro poppa. maybe i made a good point, i don't know. just curious, what are the languages spoken on the raptors? most hockey teams have other players than can translate, is this the case in toronto? (i know nothing)

The NBA is about 15 years behind the NHL when it comes to foreign players, and the Raptors and Spurs have the most. Euro and South American players are becoming more common, but not like the NHL (minus the SA reference).

The different languages spoken on the Raps are: Spanish, English, Italian, Wolof and Slovenian. Also worth noting is that Anthony Parker made his name playing in Europe and was European player of the year last year.

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