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Free trees Hamiltonians?


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This message was passed along to me from a friend, and I just thought I'd spread the word:

Hello ALL

I thought I would spread this as it is a program from the city not too many people know about. Free Trees. Depending on your property you can qualify for trees. We are getting 3 trees that are about 15 ft tall. Many to choose from. It is to green the city of Hamilton.

The trees have to be on city property so basically your road allowance area... You can book online... They come out check and if its a go send you trees by June!!!!

Why I am telling everyone I know is there was a surplus left over from last year as not too many "residential" people are putting the

trees in. Basically no one knows about the program. If a surplus occurs again, the budget for the program will be cut.... SHOCKER....

Why not take advantage of something FREE from the city~!!!!!!


www.hamilton.ca/treeplanting for more info!!!!!

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I think they have to be at the edge of the road. This way they not only help to "green" the city, but they also help to prevent snow drifting across the roads. Also, I *think* the city even plants them for you. I remember my family taking advantage of this when I was growing up in Binbrook - the township must have offered it back then.

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I think they have to be at the edge of the road. This way they not only help to "green" the city, but they also help to prevent snow drifting across the roads. Also, I *think* the city even plants them for you. I remember my family taking advantage of this when I was growing up in Binbrook - the township must have offered it back then.

You're likely right Hamilton. I've planted MANY trees over my landscaping years and when it comes to city or town contracts this is usually the scenario.

Offer the planters a couple frosties and they might be gracious enough to let another tree fall off the truck and land itself in your backyard. ;)

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I wonder if there's any way to get the extra trees planted in the park behind our house. You know that field at King William and Victoria that used to be a school? It could really use some trees around the edges, at least. It would be nice to look out the back window and see trees instead of the cars going by on Victoria.

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i called the City of Guelph a few years ago and asked if they did this ... she seemed confused, said no, but did tell me they offer rebates on low flow toilets. ;)

kudo's to the hammer!

we just bought a couple of small fruit trees. i hope the bees are still around when they are big enough for peaches and cherries.

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That's what I was wondering as well. We are fortunate enough to live on a property that is heavily wooded, but there is definitely room to plant more trees out here. We don't have a road allowance of any sort (we barely have a road for that matter)... I just received this news late last night, and have yet to call the city to get the details.

I am assuming that I will not qualify anyways, as I suspect that this initiative is likely one aimed at "greening the urban areas"... and we're rural.

It doesn't hurt to ask though...

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