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Losing Jerry: Life, Death and Rock & Roll - MOVIE?

Kanada Kev

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Anyone heard of this???



Losing Jerry: Life, Death and Rock & Roll

LOSING JERRY follows the personal journeys of three close friends from their happy-go-lucky, following The Grateful Dead, teenage party days to that horrible day of Jerry Garcia’s death, 15 years later. In between, the friends are forced to come to terms with the sometimes unkind reality of growing up. And then, when the friendships have been pushed to their ultimate limits, that painful phone call comes. Jerry Garcia’s death serves as both a catalyst and a right of passage; forcing the friends to face that which they fear and desire most. And through it all, the joy of The Grateful Dead's music and what it has meant carries them through.

On the day of Jerry Garcia’s death, his Grateful Dead bandmate Bob Weir was scheduled to play a solo concert at the Casino Ballroom in Hampton Beach, New Hampshire. When word of Garcia’s death spread, Hampton Beach suddenly became Mecca for mourning fans from all over. Everyone wanted to be as close to Garcia as they could, and the best place to be was in the vicinity of his musical partner in crime for 30 years Bob Weir.

The story culminates with the friends gathered together at Bob Weir’s concert. As the concert ends, the crowd in the streets spontaneously breaks into a time-honored Grateful Dead tradition, the “Not Fade Away†clap and chant. “Love is love, not fade away,†echoes through the streets. LOSING JERRY ends with love, forgiveness and hope rising from the pain brought on by Jerry Garcia’s death.

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