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The NFL Draft starts at noon tomorrow


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Seriously boys,

I am severely fucked up right now. I am in desperate need of the Raiders making that first selection. Its 5:20am and there is no sleep in my immediate future. My darling wife filled the fridge with beer and champale prepping my enthusiasm. She's a smart girl.

I CANT SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!

and I fucking think I know the g-damn pick!

(Please tell me that the Raiders take Johnson and then trade him to Tampa for additional second + third round picks while picking up Quinn at the same time...........else take Russell)

These last few weeks have slowly killed me. Thank God it ends in 7 hours.

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Here is a picture of what a fellow Raiders fan did to his Moss jersey shortly after he was traded. This pretty much sums up Moss's two years in Oakland. I cant recall seeing any player give up so much on his team(dont give me any Habs nonsense either Roller because there is NO comparison).


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I dont know William, from what I read this pick is somewhat suspect because most people had him going towards the end of round 1 and into early round 2. Not too mention Favre REALLY wanted Moss and went on record saying he was 100% convinced that the Pack would pick him up. I'm not saying they didnt make the right decision here but keeping Brett happy didnt seem to happen.

Who knows what he is really going to do now but the guy is still only 30 and hasnt lost any speed. Taking off plays is different than losing a step. He dropped a shitload of passes last year but he also let his mood dictate his desire. This could prove to be a great move for the Pats but his Raider days were definitely over. Even the casual Oakland fan could see that.

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He wiped his ass on our goal post. I could care less what Farve wants in this situation... this is not about him, it's about the Team, and it's long history of character.

The Packs defence turned the corner last year, almost getting them a playoff spot. They are young, and I know very little about them, except that AJ Hawk is as impressive as his name suggests. So the more competition the better. If the Pack can keep the other team off the field, and work well to 'negate' a Farve Interception... that will atleast give Farve a chance to work his magic with whatever he's got. And I don't care how tall and fast Moss is... I'm glad he's not going to Wisconson.

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He wiped his ass on our goal post.

[color:purple]Yeah, clearly not worth the risk of a 4th round draft pick.

Or in Green Bay's case, Allen Barbre (who may have still been available in the 5th round).

My guess?

The Pack signs recently released MeShawn Johnshon (B1)

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