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RAVE Act passed down south


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yeah, thats messed up... scary for people booking shows

like dead tour though, there tends to be a gap between law in the states and what local law enforcement are willing to enforce

never forget america is run on money, if its turning a good buck for the local economy and nobody is gettin hurt most lawmen will generally look the other way... unfortunately, you know there'll be a few cowboys high on the law somewhere, sometime

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Because of its broad language, the law could potentially subject people to twenty years in federal prison if one or more of their guests smoked marijuana at their party or barbecue.

This is scary. I think I'm done going to states for shows . This is just so crazy and dumb it could of only pasted in the states. Why don't they just get it over with and adapt singapore's drug laws .

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I hadn't realized that this actually passed. Scarily enough they tacked it onto an AMBER alert bill about retrieving abducted children. They do that shit all the time, add some sketchy bill on the end of a farm bill and pass the whole wad. It's a completely crooked and corrupt form of politics where lobbies are so obviously throwing their weight around. Like GM in Canada. Anyways here's the link to:

The Musician's Guide to Drug Policy Reform

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i'll still go to shows in the States. Just use your head. Its very simple. And besides, how can anyone possibly raid a festival and fine individuals? Its the promoters and venue owners that need to do all the worrying right now, not us part time doobie smokers.

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