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Need a ride to bouche/Ms.H's party tonight


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If anybody is going to bouche's & Ms. Huxtable's party tonight in Aylmer and could fit me* in their vehicle, I'd really appreciate it. (Northern Wish offered a few days ago, but I haven't been able to get hold of him to work out the details.) Time and location of pick-up are flexible.



* Just me: I'm not bringing any recording gear.

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Did bouche let you patch into the soundboard?

I didn't record the show. It was recorded off the soundboard, though.

How long will this take to make it's way onto archive.org? The people want crisp, clean copies of the wedding...

Sisters Euclid aren't part of the Live Music Archive, nor do they allow bit-torrenting of shows. I have no idea when (or even if) the recording will be made available.

And the people look to you bradm... The people look to you...

The people are going to have to look elsewhere (and possibly keep looking) this time.



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