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they are filming a movie at mac


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could be #3 or 4 or 5, have no idea. looks like a big production. they had 15 or so tractor trailers as well as a bunch of dressing room thingies. and lots of people with walkie talkies. all of which was in my way ... :D

All that trouble just to go straight to video.

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even low budget history channel mow's have that many trucks and walkies....probably straight to DVD.

You would be suprised to know how much trouble and money they will blow through to make really crappy things that hardly anyone will see...it's basically "make work projects" for the starving toronto/hamilton movie industry...they will freaking produce anything they can get there hands on these day's

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  • 10 months later...

another movie set on campus today. the guy said it's a feature film starring mark wahlberg.

ladies, here's your chance to see that third nipple.

this aint american pie, its something else. "back to something" or "something to back". (I got dizzy when he mentioned marky mark and cant recall any details, sorry)

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