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Got to love pickeral!!!


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Nice, I was going for some Pickeral a few weeks ago at Ruth Lake (near Powassan) and got totally skunked. Stupid cold fronts...

I even ended up breaking my rod, I took a cast and it busted in half. [Frown]

The good thing though is that I took it back to crappy tire, and with a little canadian tire money, I managed to upgrade to a really sweet rod! Made catching those rock bass yesterday extra fun, lol...

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did someone say Pickeral?

This was last weeks pics from Hay Bay on Bay of Quinte.

Day One:

A Solid 5.5 lber, biggest of my life, to start the trip.


Day Ones Catch, not too bad for my first time at the Quinte.


Cleaning my biggest. Amazing fillets coming off that brute.


Day One Dinner. Couldn't have asked for anything better.


The Sunset we were blessed with to end Day One.


Day Two:

The Big fish of the Trip. 6.5 lber. Damn!


Day Two Catch, better than Day One!


The fry to end the trip. Damn was it beautiful.


Anyways, i heavily suggest Bay of Quinte for all your Pickeral needs...

Oh btw, we also released at least a dozen nice Pickeral that fell within the slot limit, in the two days fishing. At the Quinte you cant keep Pickeral between 19 and 25 inches.

Fun Times

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Nice Steve,

Pickrel are by far my favorite,Quite rocks for em thats fer sure.We used to have a cottage in the muskoka's on three mile lake and the pickrel fishing was amazing there.My record for one was 11 lbs,never seen or caught one close to that since,think I was about 16 or 17 when I got it....my sister b/f just nabbed a 7 lb 'er yesterday,but I don't recall what lake he was at.

Mmmmmmm, pickrel, I need to do some serious pickrel fishin' this fall.....

Cheers to ya!

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Originally posted by secondtube:

well, we used live worms on spinner worm rigs.

all trolled in about 15-35 feet of water.

i couldn't believe it myself.

I guess trolling and spinners would do a real good job, haven't done a whole lot of that though. It seems like Pickeral are really finicky, they like jig and a worm in one place, worm harness down deep somehwere else, and of course trolling. I guess they great thing about trolling is you can hit a school. I'm gonna have to get down with some trolling this fall, I'm thinking Musky like trolling, and Oct. would be a great month to go out.

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Cool Steve,for us we always used yellow mister twisters and drifted across the sand bars on the lake I fished,maybe 8-15 feet of water I guess,but when we would use the down riggers in Erie,we would take it to about 25-40 feet(somewhere in that area).

Just got word,we got a 17 ft bow rider with all the riggings set up for fall...fall is the best in my opinion for pickrel,should fun.

Cheers to ya once again.

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My folks used to have a cottage on the Trent Canal system when I was young, and though I were only a pup then, by Jeezus I do remember how good the fishing was.

Antiquary Beach

Mitchell Lake

Anyone familiar with these places?? And if so, is the fishing there still what it used to be? Muskie fishin' was always my favourite.

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