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Grand Theft Bus with Lure October 6th


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The posters looked great while they were up.

I saw them at Mavericks when I was there for JSB on Aug. 1 and thought about grabbing one, but decided against it, altruistically figuring that I'd hate to take down a poster than someone might have seen (and then have gone to the show because of having seen it) if I didn't take it down. (Stupid me.)



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We're lucky if posters last a couple of hours on Queen street. The Annex is a little more tollerable... you might get 10 of 100 left 3 or 4 days after you put em up. Once in a while you'll find one or two out of a couple thousand up in a month or two. It's an absolutley brutal industry!

Oh yeah, and AD... 6 weeks is a great start to promote a small show. It give people enough time to consider it, tell their friends, and if one has really wanted to go, but hasn't made it before, it usually far enough in advance the date could be clear for them to make it!

8 weeks... maybe overkill... but 4 weeks, then all of a sudden so-and-so is busy, and buddy doesn't tell their friends about 'that band you HAVE to see', and then you get twosies walking up to the door instead of groupies.

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well' date=' i think i saw them in mid-to-late-august for an october 6 show. seems a bit early for postering to me....[/quote']

Really. When did you first find out about the show then?

that is a good point... but now the posters aren't there, or at least aren't noticeable, and people make plans closer to the show date. plus now there are a couple thousand more people of show-going age in town...

i guess my point is that it sucks that those nice posters aren't visible anymore.

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