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yo backbacon...how was Hookahville????


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What's that tigger? Oh, you would have liked to be there... yeah, would have been nice to have you there... maybe in the spring.

We did make it. We were SO close to not quite making it though. Broke down as soon as I got there.. phew! Yes, a review is on the way. It was a great weekend! DSO's afternoon acoustic set was good. opened with monkey & the engineer. Kimock after that was super! P Funk - funky and funny. hookah - of the hook(ahhhh [smile] ) TeeSee and studog - rad cats. Everyone else there - pretty rad too. The mud - deep and squishy. sleeping bag - wet all weekened! my car - junk but not junk enough to casue too many problems. the grilled cheese - tasty beyond belief. kimock with hookah - holy fuck!!!!!

i'll have the review done by tmrw.

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