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Internet/Cable Woes


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For the love of god help me out. I got Primus and I love it but my problem is I'm moving and Primus can't move, so they need me to have my shit switched back to Bell so they can move me then cancel and with them and go back to Primus. But Bell requires 55 bucks for that and a 2 year contract that is broken if i go back to Primus. My other problem is I don't want a home phone just my cell but I can't have interent without a home phone without renting something called a dry loop which is about the same price as having a home phone. Rogers is an option but I fucking hate Rogers.

I want to know is do Rogers and Bell still throttle their downloads? What about there super fast exterme packages that are 8mb are they still throttling those too? neither provider could answer these question

Basically I want no home phone, cable and non throttled internet for 80 bucks or less.

Can it happen?

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Sucks to have to give up Primus/Magma. They are most certainly the kings of broadband.

FWIW, Rogers says this:

Our traffic regulation is based on the type of application, not the way it is used and is in place for all tiers of service including Hi-Speed Extreme.

Which makes me think that the throttling/packet shaping would be the same for the 'Extreme' package. I've seen good and bad reports re: 'Extreme' performance with torrents and such. Almost seems to vary from region to region.

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I thought that there was no charge for a dry loop. that there is fucked. as you know, I'm in hull so we have videotron. We have no problems and no throttling. Actually Videotron has killer service. If there is anyway that you can get videotron, go for it. I believe that it is available in some areas of Ottawa.


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some related discussions on stilleposte that came up in the last 6 months



(someone in this thread from Montreal swears by inter.net - "it's gonna cost you 42$ a month for high speed including the charge of a dry line (dont need phone line) and a free modem (rented). it's a 12-month contract and i've been with them for the past 2 years, never had any problems!")


if you get stuck with a traffic shaping service maybe pick up a copy of Hacking the Cable Modem: What Cable Companies Don't Want You to Know

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nope, downloaded a copy a while back but haven't pulled out my screwdriver and solder gun as am happy with my cable service

but read the costumer reviews on Amazon, the only unfavorable reviews are from prudes saying "stealing from the cable company is still stealing! this book should not be allowed to be in print!"

will make a project of it one day when I have my own home service (sharing right now)

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