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OK Everyone - I Need Your Help - Its a Good Thing


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  • Hi Everybody,
    I need your help. As a couple of you know - I went back to college for a 2 year PR program.
    Every year the student's hold a gigantic fundraiser for a local charity. Last year the students raised $17,000 for Candlelighters (helping kids with cancer)
    This year we are going to be helping Ryan's Well from Kemptville. It was founded 10 years ago by a then 6 year old who single handedly raised money to build a well for a school whose kids were drinking sludge - and then went onto raise $25,000 for a drill that would make building future wells so much easier.
    Sooo Here is where you come in.
    I need stuff
    I'm in charge of gathering swag for garage sales, silent auctions and for prizes for contests.
    Do You:

  • - Work in a restaurant, store, hotel, service industry where you might be able to find a donation of gift certs or merchandise?

  • - Work in a company that might want to sponsor an event? Do you want to partner up to hold an event?

  • - Have any old prizes from golf tournaments etc. that you never opened that I could reprize - or do you just have stuff in the closet that you think I could sell on UsedOttawa to save lives.

  • - Have any ideas of businesses we could approach

I think that's all I have for now - I will be bothering you more about this :P as the weeks go on. I have hoped that you guys would be my secret weapon in this fundraiser - you all are always so generous and involved. And creative too for that matter. Let me know if you have any brilliant ideas for us to raise some cash!

Sorry this was so long - but thanks for reading this far - how are y'all doing anyway?


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Ok on re-reading this - I'm afraid it is coming off as a creepy solicitation.

Really this is totally legit - and it really is just students trying to help out. They are successful every year by humping it - asking everyone they know to help in this one time venture.

So sorry if it was a turn off. There really are millions of people dying just because people won't give them $2000 to dig a freakin well. (isn't that crazy? it just seems like it should be easy)

So if you have any ideas at all - I'd love to hear them.

Its all good brother.



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Yes, I can totally do that!

My post was so already long that I was going to wait until I got a couple of replies to give more details.


That's the website of the charity.

I'm in class right now so have to run for now but will post more later.

We are only just starting and officially launching March 27 so there is time - but any events can be done early too and I am collecting garage sale items etc. now.

For events - my far reaching hope was for a benefit concert one night - but I know that is a LOT to ask. If I was more organized - I'd do something as simple as a spare change jar at nero this weekend.

I would be be able to promote the website to an extent at the college or individual bands, or companies.

I can write more later. Please ask more questions if I'm missing stuff - I have written this VERY quickly so know I'm asking a lot but might not have said so well enough.

It really is a good charity and so simple to save them - it's criminal that they are dying of thirst.

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Possibly - but I'd be a total dork standing there saying "please put change in my jar" - I also only realized yesterday they were playing - I have a baby shower fri night - not sure if I could make it Saturday.

cough cough... Maybe mike would wanna throw out a jar for us... ;P cough cough

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Possibly - but I'd be a total dork standing there saying "please put change in my jar" - I also only realized yesterday they were playing - I have a baby shower fri night - not sure if I could make it Saturday.

cough cough... Maybe mike would wanna throw out a jar for us... ;P cough cough

Hey, if you're in a PR program, you shouldn't be worried about looking like a dork. :P chances are you're not going to look like a dork. The guy with his shirt off playing air guitar wildly to nero would take all eyes off of any dorkiness.

How did I get roped into this? I'm not involved in this show, I don't run the club and I'm not in the PR program ;)

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Well I know I've helped you whenever I could haha! and this isn't even for me really - gawd - you need to see the picture of the sludge man - and it's like 2 grand to put a drill in the ground and solve all their problems for generations - it's crazy!

I thought I'd be able to just say "Hey kids, lets put on a show!!"

And people would say - "SURE WHY THE HELL NOT?"

but apparently it's a little more complicated than that huh?

How about old cds or books - or hats or a tennis racket - if i can sell it - i can give the money to Ryan's Well...

I'm gonna keep beating this for a while longer...

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