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Lesbos and Lesbians

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that is effing hilarious, it reads like one of those joke articles its so funny, i wonder if its for real.

the best is the last line, The Homosexual and Lesbian Community of Greece could not be reached for comment.


on another lesbian related front, me and mel went to her lesbian friends' wedding here in hamilton, i actually ended up meeting the guy who got kicked out of the new riders/purple sage show for spilling drinks onto buddy cages pedal steel, what a putz. anyways, like most weddings, they had the gag where you sing a song with the word love, and the bride and bride would kiss. well this guy walks up to the mic, all drunk, sings I'd LOVE to be an oscar myer weiner, cuz thats what i truely wanna be, so our two friends kiss, and this guy, whos still standing by the mic, goes ohhhhh yeah, mmmmhmmmm all quietly, but we still heard it thru the mic! bruuutal. LOL

carry on...

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