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Here we go again!!!


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Guest Low Roller

Burke is right in saying that the second contract is now gone. Players go straight from entry level contracts to MASSIVE contracts. Even entry level contracts are huge for some if you count bonuses... for example Carey Price counts $2.2M against the cap because of bonuses on his entry level contract.

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That's what i was getting at Dave. He is taking a personal fuck-over and relating it to the rest of the league. Lowe gave him the screw, granted, and Lower is gonna pay for it. But Lowe is not single handedly responsible for the entire (traditional) 2nd contract format being skipped. Why doesn't Burke come down on the other idiot GM's for following suit.

"If everyone jumped off a cliff...."

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"Where do I begin?," started Lowe. "He's a moron, first of all. Secondly, he really believes that any news for the NHL is good news. Thirdly, he loves the limelight and I don't think anyone in hockey will dispute that. Lastly, he's in a pathetic hockey market where they can't get on any page of the newspaper let alone the front page of the sports, so any of this stuff carries on."

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I'm sick and tired of it. I know everybody in hockey is. I know our peers are like, 'Well, that's Burkie.' This guy is an absolute media junkie and I guess he's achieving what he wants because he gets his name in the headlines. But the reality is, I hate the fact that my name is linked to his. He's an underachieving wanna-be in terms of success in the NHL. He won a Stanley Cup? Great. I've won six Stanley Cups, you want to count rings? Who cares, it's just a little pathetic that he carries on."

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I finally got around to reading what Lowe said on that radio interview on Friday. It's brilliant! I was laughing as well. Gotta love it when people involved in professional athletics drop the gloves and say what they feel without candy-coating it.

"Where do I begin?," started Lowe. "He's a moron, first of all.
He won a Stanley Cup? Great. I've won six Stanley Cups, you want to count rings? Who cares, it's just a little pathetic that he carries on


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And Bettman puts an end to all the fun ... what a fucker:

A few days after Edmonton Oilers' Kevin Lowe fired back at rival GM Brian Burke, NHL commissioner Gary Bettman tried to pour water on the feud of the two rival team executives.

Following comments by Burke over the past year and comments Lowe made recently to an Edmonton radio station, Bettman ordered the two to cease and desist in a conference call Monday.

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