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Batman - The Dark Knight


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Bouche are you calling me a nerd? lol

yes, I geek out a bit at movies but you live the life my friend ;)

I loved the movie. To be honest Batman was never one of my favorites but this movie was well done.

In my opinion the Joker steals the show. He is crazy, violent and funny all at the same time. Ledger did a great job. He is the Joker I remember when I used to read comics (yes, nerd again). Pure evil with no conscience.

I think most people will love it. There is some great action sequences and some funny and exciting moments. For me Batman himslef was the least interesting part but even he was good.

I'll give it an 8 out of 10

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hahah. It's like it was the only chance to see the movie. I'll check it out next week or so ;)

The world could end at any time my friend.

Booche and I used to discuss in the TRU days the fear we had that we could die before the three Star Wars prequels came out. There are times I wish I had after seeing them ;)

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