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Billy Manzik Band - Tour Dates and News...


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In August of 2008, I met and played with Billy Manzik at the Red Rock Folk Festival. We had met briefly before but really had not spent any significant amount of time discussing a whole lot. I had just finished playing set and I ran into Billy who asked if I would join him for his performance as well. I did not know a single one of his songs, but for some reason decided it was a good idea to throw myself directly into the lion’s den; I mean a Burt Neilson Show is often like that for me anyway. So, we played and had a great show, the musical connection was obvious. Billy mentioned that he was getting ready to make a new record in Toronto sometime during the year; I said if he was serious to contact me. Flash forward to January 2009...

...I found myself in Toronto working with Producer Chris Wardman (Art Bergman, Randy Bachman, Tragically hip, Big Wreck, Emme Gryner and so on) at Orange Lounge Studios. This is a big record I thought to myself. Billy writes some amazing songs, and has put together an incredible band. His first release garnered much attention from CBC and radio in the western regions of Canada, and we hope that this new release will reach a much wider audience. The point of this story is too introduce this project as well as mention that we will be playing the following shows for those of you in the west...

Feb 14 – Hughs Place, Calgary (sold out)

Feb 15 – Canmore Hotel, Canmore

Feb 17 – Taps, Golden B.C

Feb 18 – The Hoodoo, Fairmont Hot Springs, B.C

Feb 20 – Sirdar Pub, Sirdar, B.C

Feb 21 – Park Place Lodge, Fernie, B.C




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First off... I'd love to borrow your time machine. There's some things in November 2009 I'm just dying to do. And seeming as I can't make it to any of your gigs next week, I figured I'd go to them tomorrow and save time.


Looks like a fun run. Don't forget your toothpaste.

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