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Cocaine is now cheaper than beer and wine?


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It says something funny at the bottom of the article. It says while the prices have gone down, so has the purity, so you can have all the shitty semi-fake coke you want at discount prices, but per g of actual cocaine I wonder if the value has actually gone down at all.

And from what I know, 1 g of heroin is lots... until you run out.

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25 GBP for a gram of heroin?

Isn't a gram a lot of heroin?

Not that I have a solid knowledge of this stuff, but 1 point ( or 1/10th of a gram) is a basic "hit" if your not smoking it from my understanding, and checking online the goin rate appears to be anywhere between $100-$150 a gram. So, it may seem like a lot but I imagine to a regular user its not as much as we think it is.

25GBP, roughly $45 CDN. So, its definately cheaper then here & the US.

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