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Jimmy Swift Band/Jomomma October 12 @ PJC


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U.F. Productions

Thanks For Given'r Weekend

The Jimmy Swift Band and Jomomma

Seamless Set Show

This will the be the third time these two bands will join as one on the same stage. This is not a night to be missed. Its also a long weekend LOOK OUT!!!

October 12th

@ Pepper Jack's

38 King William st.


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I'm pretty skeptical about that secondtube. I think that Jomomma had their day back as a seven piece. They were pretty solid as a six piece, maintained some decent sound as a five piece, and then fell to four. I'm all about the full sound. If I don't go to Frontier tomorrow night I will come and check it out though. It's like listening to Stairway to Heaven: it's not so awesome anymore but you can still remember how it felt when it was.


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