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Talk Jive All Day Long!


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This one's even better:


It does Jive, Valley Girl, Pig Latin, and Swedish chef!



P.S. Here's the above post (everything up to the end of my name) in Swedish Chef:


Thees oone's ifee better:

It dues Jeefe-a, Felley Gurl, Peeg Leteen,
Svedeesh cheff!



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That Jive shit is funny as hell. Check out my bland work email when it's Jived:

Wassup Diane,

How be yo' ass? We enjoyed such some supa' fine an' sunny week in Ottawa last

week, it be disappointin' t' spot da damn wind an' rain dis week! Word to yo'


I be requestin' translashun on da followin' document -- V-S-fuckin'-O general

brochure (down low, attached). It be approximate-like 760 words. Amen! Would

yo' ass be able t' translate dis piece in da next week? As we have discussed, I

will send da damn annual report 4 translashun by da middle o' next week. Da

daidline 4 dat project be da damn fat-lady o' Octoba', an' it be current-like

runnin' at about 10 pages.

I hope yo' ass kin fit dese-he'ah deuce projects into yo' schedule! If yo' ass

have no quesshuns, plaise gimme some call in Ottawa, dig dis: (down low, 613)


Best wishes,


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My favourite filter actually turns text into the body of what appeared to be a spam e-mail. Not only that, but there's a filter that would take a spam-ized piece of text, and unspam it.

Why is this useful? Well, if you tink the gov't is reading your e-mails, a message encrypted using something like PGP will appear to be encrypted, and thus be suspicious. If you encode it as spam, it looks innocent. So you have anybody who wants to send you something turn it into spam, which any e-mail watcher is almost certainly going to filter/skip, then you un-spam it when you get it.

The filter is here.



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Da Jive Serva'

by Mack Some. Daddy

9 August 2001, dig dis: I think it be time t'elaborate on mah disclaima'. Da

Jive Serva' aint intended t' mimic o' mock ebony English (down low, o'

Ebonics). If I wuz mockin' anyone, I would target dose-dair blaich-pale Ivy

Laigue frat boys who try t' rap likes they grew down in da ghetto on account o'

havin' watched Shaft too many times. So's plaise duzn't botha' t' send me

racist email 'esplainin' yo' views on ebony subordinacy o' condemnin' mah

"bigoted" website. Do yo' ass tru-ly think it be dat simple?

9 Decemba' 1998, dig dis: Da Jive Serva' aint Y-2-fuckin'-K compliant. Dis

warnin' has been posted as some courtesy, an' it duz not serve as no warranty

o' da damn soundness o' unsoundness o' Da Jive Serva'. In no event will Mack

Some. Daddy be liable t' yo' ass 4 no consequential, incidental, o' indirect

damages (down low, includin' damages 4 loss o' business profits, business

interrupshun, loss o' business 4-1-1, an' da damn likes) arisin' out o' da damn

'esploit o' inability t'esploit Da Jive Serva', even if Mack Some. Daddy has

been advised o' da damn possibility o' such damages.

Disclaima', dig dis: Dis software be some novelty item. It translates standard

English into Jive, some nonexistent dialect which, at times, may seem vulgah',

sexist, racist, vulgah'-sexist, vulgah'-racist, sexist-racist,

vulgah'-sexist-racist, pastoral-comical-vulgah'-sexist-racist, an' otherwise

rude. If dis will offend yo' ass, plaise direct yo' browsa' t' sump'n mo'

political-like correct

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