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SUPER Moon tonight :)

Kanada Kev

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Skies are looking clear here right now. Hopefully they'll stay that way. Should be bright out there tonight:

The first full moon of 2010 will appear tonight, Jan. 29, 2010, but it will also be the biggest and brightest full moon of the year. Some even call it a "supermoon."

Anyone with clear skies will be able to easily identify the moon tonight and get a spectacular view of its features, says Space.com.

The full moon tonight will be 2010's biggest and brightest since the moon is closer in orbit than usual at this time of year.

How much bigger and brighter? Spaceweather.com reports it will be 14 percent wider and 30 percent brighter than normal.



While full moons can be breathtaking to sky-gazers, they can be irritating to astronomers. The full moon is the No. 1 cause of natural light pollution, and its bright lighting -- especially tonight -- will dim stars and nebulae, making them quite difficult to see.

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