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Ray Kettlewell Paddles


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There was a time when my only prized possession in life was my Ray K Special (Cherry, nice grain, well tanned, measured to fit by Ray himself). Well that and my copy of Big Pink signed by Rick, Levon and Garth. Both have been lost to the sands of time. Well my brother just fucked my paddle. I've been really coveting one again and realized they're only $130 which is an insanely good price for this sort of craftsmanship. If you know a canoeist I wouldn't necessarily recommend a Special unless they solo or are quite competent. A Mod Ott (Modified Ottertail) would be a great paddle for a woman. Or for a generally paddling paddle. Sorry totally random I know but I'm amazed that more people don't know about one of our most definitive 'crafted' brands.


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i'm on my 2nd kettlewell after a camper dropped a barrel on my first mod-ott

i've had the pleasure of spending some time at Ray's shope just outside of haliburton. he's a super kind old man.

if you want to spend under $130 look into buying a "seconds" or imperfect paddle. they're still awesome but they often contain a knot or some small imperfection

i'm currently using a ray's special, i prefer it to my old mod-ott

buy a paddle from Ray before he actually retires (everytime i see him he tells me he's retiring, i think its a ploy to sell paddles haha)

these paddles are a steal, and really a piece of art (i hang them on my wall in the off season)

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They are a steal and a work of art and I guaranfuckingtee it that if you bought a lot of 20 of those before he passed they would be worth thousands. I honestly believe that. There's japanese dudes that would snap that shit up a decade from now.

I just want to get a custom say Ash with Tiger Stripe Special (it's the only style for soloing). I don't really like how it's more rigid but only the Ash has really cool striping.

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