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innernet speedz


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We have this package with Videotron that has been approx 10 mbit/sec consistently for the last 4 years. Videotron just let us know that our neighbourhood was upgraded so they sent over a tech to install a new modem and our download speed jumped to 30 mbit/sec. FACK!

What do you guys have for speeds with Rogers, Cogeco, etc?

btw As I typed this, I downloaded an entire DVD.

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I'm with Acanac in Toronto (piggy backing on Bell's network). I'm getting 3.5 - 5 mb/s DL speed. The upside is that its unlimited and I paid about $220 for the year.

At work (YorkU) we get speeds of 60 mb/s to the www and up to 300 mb/s to other institutions on the fiber network.

Edited by Guest
Mb to mb (oops)
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At work (YorkU) we get speeds of 60 Mb/s to the www and up to 300 Mb/s to other institutions on the fiber network.

that's insane. I remember the first time I experienced a T1 line back when 56K was the standard. That was the most amazing lightspeed jump since the millennium falcon. I suppose going to 300 mbps would appear to have the same affect.

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