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Can there be another band like Phish in this day and age?

The Chameleon

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It sure is a different headspace to invest so much time into following a band around.

The more I run this rat race the less foolish it seems. I have lots of kids so I'll keep running I guess...but if I were free who knows....I'd probably try touring my own music around....

Anyway any music that really moves you is something to be grateful for.....unless it's white supremist anthems or some such.....part of the magic of music is the shared experience-in fact perhaps the original manifestation of music was a social phenomenon rather than individual.....


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I know some folks that are pretty mad about Dream Theater and would sell their children to follow them around

I have never heard anything so disgusting!! People are into Dream Theater?! :P

There's a dude at work who's nutso about them. He keeps insisting I should get into them. He thinks just because I made him like the Truckers that I now have some sort of obligation to listen to Dream Theater. I youtubed them once and almost puked. He wants to make me a mixed CD of all their best stuff. I want to kill him. Kill him dead. I wish I could take the Truckers back from him, but now he's downloading them so it's too late.

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I like Dream Theater. I also like Rush. Both bands seem to take a lot of flack around here.

I cannot stand the music of Prince, nor that of Michael Jackson. It amazes me how much love there is for those two on this board.

To each their own. The world would be a lot less interesting if we all liked the same music.

Phish and The Grateful Dead are amongst my favorite bands of all time, and I think there likely will be bands that can generate the same type of scene and excitement in the future. Only time will tell.

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Prince's more recent r&b outings were awesome! Michael-ABC 123 always gets me grooving.

I haven't listened to Rush in years but saw a link to some older stuff on Youtube-Fountains of Lamneth, Panacea, Rivendell-stuff like that. That was the stuff I loved way back when. Rush and then Led Zeppelin were my introduction to magical-mystical music-music was harder to come by or be exposed to in the 70s......I used to listen to By Tor and the Snow Dog, the Necromancer, Dazed and Confused, No Quarter....(live albums-and I do mean 'albums' in the dark every night on my turntable to trip off to sleep.....ah memories....

....another thing music does.....better than smell...?

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Reminds me of the progression of my musical journey...whatever>Rush>Led Zeppelin.....Zeppelin with all of their folk, funk and blues roots lead to discovering those forms of music-you had to search for that stuff back then as it wasn't all over the place like it is now since there were no computers or internet and radio was very limited.

God bless and RIP Brian Murphy who played this music on Chez and was an expert....passed away a few years ago. I was sad to see how he lived poor in a little apartment after being let go by Chez once they lost interest in having any program promoting blues and the historical side of music. He gave me some great tapes though....

>Neil Young as all aspiring singer/guitarists around here learned to play using his songs back then>the Band etc.....all those great bands that weren't all over radio>first Grateful Dead concert in Wonderland 1984 with the Band-I thought it would be an excellent country rock type concert....


Dosed about 5 am after partying all the way there and when the Dead took the stage my mind was completely blown! For a teenager in the 80s who felt out of time and place with a yearning for rock and roll and mystical music in the day of new wave and pop it was unbelievable that it was all there in front of me....I had despaired that I would never see music that satisfied those longings.....

It is hard to compare seeing the Dead in the 80s to anything now since there is such an unbelievable amount of choices and access to music now. Back then there was cheesy AM radio, New Wave wasteland and a bit of classic rock and hairbands. It seemed like the world had forgotten any kind of 'magical' music that some of the bands from the 60s and 70s created or discovered. To stumble into the Grateful Dead wonderland where that time was never forsaken and was moving forward with all flags flying was totally magical and unexpected. They really were the only torch bearer for all that stuff and carried it as far and long as they could.....and with more genius than most if not all could muster.....

By the time they were nearing the end in the 90s I heard about this band Phish that was 'just like the Grateful Dead!!'.....um ...... not really....

I didn't think the comparison fit at all and had no appreciation of the mindless party scene they attracted and couldn't see how people compared them.....they seemed to grow out of the overflowing Dead scene and I don't know whether they could have gotten as far as they have without that start. Obviously they are great at what they do though and I don't even care about the comparison any more.

The level the Dead operated on was different from the external similarities they had with PHISH; great musicianship, jamming and devoted fans.

It's like comparing yoga to touching your toes.

I don't need to compare them personally here except for the fact that I would say-yes another PHISH will come along.....another Grateful Dead..?...I am not so sure......maybe it's not needed anymore....? I don't know or maybe a similar phenomenon with a different focus than a band will occur....who knows...? There were just SO MANY convergences of just the right people, environments, historical factors for 'it' to 'happen again'.

Something will come to fill the void left by the Grateful Dead-I'm just not sure what. PHISH is still around so we don't need to worry about their legacy yet.

All that being said go ahead and do yoga or touch your toes-it's all the same to me....heck do both if you want. Touch your yoga and do your toes even....

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I know some folks that are pretty mad about Dream Theater and would sell their children to follow them around

I have never heard anything so disgusting!! People are into Dream Theater?! :P

There's a dude at work who's nutso about them. He keeps insisting I should get into them. He thinks just because I made him like the Truckers that I now have some sort of obligation to listen to Dream Theater. I youtubed them once and almost puked. He wants to make me a mixed CD of all their best stuff. I want to kill him. Kill him dead. I wish I could take the Truckers back from him' date=' but now he's downloading them so it's too late.


Big news today in Dream Theater land

posted on jambase, no less

How's your co-worker taking the news?

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