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How to Make a Living Playing Music:

Northern Wish

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The lack of capitals makes this tough on the eyes, but its full of great information....

how to make a living playing music

i hear so much complaining about this subject, i just wanted to lay my practical experience on you. free.

first, three pre-conditions:

1. if you are a very materialistic person, skip this article, i don't think you are going to like what it says.

2. if you don't have the music where you want it art-wise, you might want to go work on that, this article isn't going to help you much either. you will be better off by practicing and studying and working on your music instead. you will need to get the art pretty close to where you want it, before you should worry about making much of a living out of it.

3. determine if you are actually called to be a musician. if you aren't called, all the gyrations in the world, won't make it work. if you are called, no matter what you do, it's going to work. this determination will solve most of the problems you are going to encounter.

assuming these three conditions are met, you are financially workable and you have the music where you want it and you are surely called into the art, here goes, in no particular order as i am wont.....


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3. determine if you are actually called to be a musician. if you aren't called, all the gyrations in the world, won't make it work. if you are called, no matter what you do, it's going to work. this determination will solve most of the problems you are going to encounter.

Nothing could be further from the truth as far as I'm concerned. Statements like this actually make me mad, it sounds like a twelve-year-old trying to decide if he's really in love.

With unproductive garbage like this in the preview, it would be very difficult to convince me to read any more.

Snarky PS to the author: Try determining if you are "called" to use capital letters. If not, nothing you could do will help you press the shift button.

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