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This Place Sucks


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I'm not on faceplant either. Seems to be something more folks here have in common. I did think about joining faceplant about a week ago. What did it was the thought of all those old people trying to figure out new technologies and just giving up and being left out of the loop, and left behind. I don't want to be an old person, using ancient tools like "email" when everyone else in the world (or so it seems) is faceplanting each other.

Then I thought, naw, fuck it. We seemed to get along fine without it for several years. And no matter what, something else will be along shortly that will be the "new" cool thing and faceplant will be long forgotten.

back to music.....can't wait for new My Morning Jacket and gots me my Kool Haus tickets yesterday. Fuck ya.

I keep thinking you're ms hux without reading your name. you're using her old avatar. then i read your post and go WTF happened to my wife?

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