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Sunday May 15 - Ottawa - Pugstock


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Ottawa peeps, if you have a pug or a pug-like creature (or even if they just make you laugh and want to come out for a good cause), today is Pugstock!

There will be a pug fashion show, glamour shots, raffles, bake sale and all sorts of other silliness. Ourselves, we will be volunteering custom-made bandannas.

Britannia Park (right off Carling)

All proceeds from the volunteer activities go to the Under My Wing pug rescue.

The weather sucks (go figure), but what the heck else are you going to do on a gloomy Sunday afternoon?

And if you are considering getting a dog, please do take a look at these fine guys and and gals needing a home.

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No footage from yesterday yet, but this is from the initial Pugstock.

Pugfest will be May 29th at Lansdowne Park.

My own little devil - something of a pug and pomeranian hybrid monster - spent her day mostly dressed as a bumble-bee. She was a bit tired, and hates rain, but overall had a good time. She made a lot of people laugh as the mascot in the bandanna-factory tent (courtesy of the Alta Vista Animal Hospital on behalf of the Under My Wings pug rescue)

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Gotta love da pugs. I don't know how much longer our last one is gonna last. She's 14 and becoming very geriatric Hopefully Marley will get at least one more fun summer hanging by the pool.
Snort snort snuffle pug pug pug.
Mine communicates everything through sneezes. She's actually quite good at it - there is a sneeze that mean "What you did just made me happy", there is a sneeze that means "I'm uncomfortable", there is a sneeze that means "Cats suck, why are there so many around here?", etc.. I would say that she sneezes on average 40 times a day, each one having a distinct message.

This is from yesterday (out of her bumble-bee costume, rocking the hoodie)


(Jambands is being silly and won't let me embed the image in the page)

While I wasn't there to meet him, apparantly the kid who gave her that ball kept sneaking it back to her, even as my gf kept trying to let the other dogs have a play with it.

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