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**BNB in London @ Call the Office Friday


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holy fuckin shit.

to anyone who felt a little disappointed, or let down by their "new direction and sound", you should have been in london tonite. the opener, soft canyon, didnt show up, so london got treated to an extra long, extra old school burt neilson show. first time in london in a year and a half or so, and they ripped the shit out of the place. packed the fucker, too. great to see london showing some support for a great fucking band.

great to see burt is back!

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A-greed! Having seen the boys more than once I'd say that was a level 5 show for sure. I encourage any band to move forward but last night was an extremely well jammed out best of the best affair. And of course not a taper in site. Everybody in the band should take the advice of the encore, "Have a cigar" as that show deserved it!

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So myself being the music cynic, I thought 'i'll give 'em another shot' - why not, eh?

well I was glad to not be one of those poo-poo'ers that say 'the new burt blows'

I have to admit though that before I was unimpressed. Hallowe'en was a bore for me and I thought I was up for a night of a mediocre show.

Thanks you boys SOOOOO MUCH for last night.

I thought it'd be difficult to stay on the same level for my show week...moe/nero, BNB, and GTB tonight!

The burties deserve some credit for keepng this town alive last night.


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Ah.... no taper in sight... but the house tech there has a couple perfectly permanently planted mics and presented me with two cd's of the show at the end of the night. Amazing quality too.... I'd love to spread this show around to anyone interested.

I have no copying capabilities but will pass it on to someone who does.

We had a fantastic night! Too bad about no Soft Canyon, but that just gave us a good chunk of time to fill. Thanks to all who made it out - it'd been a while since we'd played London and are definately looking forward to returning now.

See y'all in the East!


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well jeff, you could send it to someone who could transfer it to their computer, and set up a Bit torrent session.

that would spread it to people with a high speed connection, then they could spread it to people without high speed...

I'm very interested in hearing this show, as i've enjoyed your last three shows i've been at...

Take it easy...


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