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vinyl left-overs


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The way I have done it in the past was turntable to amp then AV(RCA)/USB(I think its called)hook-up to the computer using the Soundforge 5 program,although newer soundforge programs are available SF5 is the one I learned how to use.It records and you can clean it up,adjust audio levels,track transitions if you choose etc etc.

All in all I found it none to hard to transfer over.

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Originally posted by Esau:

The way I have done it in the past was turntable to amp then AV(RCA)/USB(I think its called)hook-up to the computer using the Soundforge 5 program,although newer soundforge programs are available SF5 is the one I learned how to use.It records and you can clean it up,adjust audio levels,track transitions if you choose etc etc.

All in all I found it none to hard to transfer over.

Thanks Esau, I'll try that.

And when I say try, I mean I'll try to understand what you're talking about.


CLT: Prince '1999' [Cool]

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I'm not that good at explaining tech things,just know how to do it,its pretty easy bro,just need a rca to usb cable.

I believe with the recording program installed it auto recognizes that there is a device hooked up and the program has all the instruction/help topic etc.

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Originally posted by vermontdave:

I've got some crazy records kickin here

I hear you on that one,I have a generous vinyl collection still,although it was alot bigger a few years back before I weeded out alot of it.

Now I have just the sweet rare albums kickin' 'round,mostly some crazy Dylan.

You propmted me to dig through my collection,I have listened to vinyl recently but I found this gem that I had completely forgotten about.

Here's some online info about it :


In 1969, Jack S. Margolis wrote a book called A Child's Garden of Grass. Two years later, an album based on that book surfaced on Elektra Records. If you're looking for a silly comedy album in which the entire theme is on marijuana, and its affects, then you should go get a copy. I am not certain the album is available on CD, as far as I know, it's only available on LP.

Each subject of the album starts off with some strange electronic effects before the narrator gets on with the subject. Example is "Listening to Music". This cut tells you what kind of music you can listen to while being stoned (classical, folk, acid rock, jazz, electronic music). He warns you never listen to Myron Florin (accordion player for the Lawrence Welk Show), as well as several other polka players while stoned, unless they were being played all together at once.

Another example is "Creativity" where the narrator seems to suggest when you're stoned, you begin to overestimate your "artistic" talents. By the end of that cut, you start hearing some really bad rock and roll, played and sung by the person being stoned. Of course an album dealing with this subject should never be without "Physical Effects" and "Psychological Effects", as well as how to acquire marijuana (which seems to suggest any manner possible, even stealing). "Psychological Effects" really cracks me up, because you hear a conversation between a man and a woman, and the person totally forgot what he was saying, and didn't care. There was also a lot of giggling as they listen to some really crappy music.

You can be very certain that this album would not be in the hands of the "Just Say No" crowd, or conservatives in general. This is one silly album and a great period piece. If you're looking for comedy about the affects of weed, this is the album to get.



Zipping takes an instance.....unzipping seems to take forever


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Originally posted by Esau:

Example is "Listening to Music". This cut tells you what kind of music you can listen to while being stoned (classical, folk, acid rock, jazz, electronic music).

funny, i think there are samples of this album on my dj vadim cd (just got it at his show)... it says listening to music stoned will not only help in the present, but will improve your listening habits for later, even when you're not stoned... same album?

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Originally posted by Esau:


Oh, man, I remember that album (which, IIRC, my brother still has). (Anybody else remember listening to that [and other] great comedy albums on the Sunday night comedy shows on Q107 and CFNY?)

There's one bit about "Barriers To Getting Stoned," which goes something like, "There are three barriers to getting stoned. The first barrier is that, if you don't know what being stoned is like, you might be stoned and not recognize it. The second barrier is...[i can't remember what -BradM]. [switch to militant German voice] And the third barrier is a road block."

After which comes the sound of a car screeching up to a checkpoint...

"Your papers please!" (also in mGv)

"Um, I only have a pipe, man..."

"Then you'd better come vis me..."



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Originally posted by bradm:


Originally posted by Esau:


Oh, man, I remember that album (which, IIRC, my brother still has). (Anybody else remember listening to that [and other] great comedy albums on the Sunday night comedy shows on Q107 and CFNY?)

I got it on right now actually(well its finishing).I recall some of those radio shows you mention,mostly I listened to theater of the mind back then on sundays.

Qu'est-ce que c'est?~

Yep,I do believe it is the same album.

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